Abstract Determinant is a very significant basic concept in the higher mathematics(algebra)。 It’s very necessary to have a grasp of calculation and application of determinant for students studying higher mathematics。
The paper begins with the introduction of determinant’s history。 Then come the defintion and property。 The next is illustrating every calculation method of determinant in detail。 Finally,the application。 In addition to the determinant theory, the paper also includes polynomial theory and matrix theory。 Some Analytical knowledge is also included in the provement in the last of the paper。
1。 Clarify the background and history of determinant to make readers have a general idea of determinant。
2。 Illustrate the definition and various properties。 Then comes the detailed illustration of calculation methods of various special shape of determinants。
3。 The application of determinant is illustrated by finding a solution to an equation,analytic geometry, factoring problem and rationalizing the denominator。 Finally, the provement of Lagrange’s mean value theorem using determinant theory。
Keywords: determinant; equation; calculate; application
第一章 绪论 1
1。1行列式的背景与意义 1
1。2行列式的历史 1
第二章 N阶行列式的计算方法 3
2。1行列式的定义和性质 3
2。1。1 排列与逆序数 3
2。1。2 行列式的定义 3
2。1。3 行列式的性质 3
2。2 行列式的计算 4
2。2。1 可以直接利用性质计算的行列式 4
2。2。1。1 或的行列式 4
2。2。1。2 奇数阶反对称行列式 4
2。2。1。3 各元素均为两数和的行列式 5
2。2。1。4 析因子法求含参数行列式 5
2。2。1。5 特殊行列式:范德蒙行列式 7
2。2。2 行列式行列的展开与拉普拉斯定理 7
2。2。2。1 行列式按一行(列)展开 7
2。2。2。2 行列式按多行(列)展开 7
2。2。2。3 拉普拉斯定理