    摘要: 随着我国市场经济体制的确立与快速发展,极大的推动了职业体育市场化的发展。所谓职业体育的市场化,是指职业体育活动的组织者通过各种手段,对体育比赛的体育服务产品和无形资产进行营销活动,使其观赏价值和商业媒介价值得以实现,进而实现自身发展的过程及其体制机制。目前,我国职业体育只有部分运动项目成功地实现了市场化转型,成立了职业体育俱乐部,开展了职业联赛等一整套从培训、梯队培养、到比赛等商业化运作运营,如足球、篮球、围棋等。仍有不少职业体育项目,未能进行市场化或市场化程度不高,如网球、斯诺克等项目。在运营与管理方面,存在着市场化进程参差不齐、整体运营与管理水平不高、过于逐利化倾向、经营管理人才缺乏和存在腐败甚至涉黑现象等问题。解决这些问题,首先是逐步建立、健全和完善相关的法律法规。
    关键字:职业体育 市场化运营 中国职业足球超级联赛
    abstract:With the establishment of market economy system and the rapid  development, greatly promoted the development of sports market occupation. The so-called occupation sports marketing, is refers to the occupation sport activities of the organizers through various means, to sports products and sports services and intangible assets of marketing activities, so that the ornamental value and commercial media value to achieve, and then achieve the process and mechanism of its development. At present, only part of occupation sports in China Sports successfully market transformation, set up the occupation sports club, the occupation League set from the training, training, to match commercial operation, such as football, basketball, chess etc. There are still many occupation sports project, not the market or the market level is not high, such as tennis, snooker and other projects. In the operation and management, there is a process of market uneven, overall operation and management level is not high, too profit oriented, lack of management talents and corruption even gang problem. To solve these problems, first is the legal regulations and perfect the relevant establishment. The second is to strengthen the government supervision, strengthen policy guidance, as well as the financial support, tax, and promote the occupation of China's sports market transformation development. Third is to strengthen the moral education of Chinese sports industry. The last is to establish the objective environment clean.
    Keywords:occupation sports  market operation  Chinese occupation football super league
    引言..   1
    一.课题概述  2
    (一)研究背景       2
    (二).研究的目的与意义     2
    (三).课题研究现状     3
    (一) 奥林匹克项目生存现状.       2
    (二).非奥项目生存现状..  2-3
    四.中国职业足球超级联赛运营与管理的现状.       5-9
    (二).中超俱乐部的现状. 6-7
    优尔. 完善我国职业体育市场化运营与管理的思考与对策.10-11
    致谢..              12
    .参考文献    13
  1. 上一篇:普通大学生学习乒乓球现状调查分析
  2. 下一篇:初中篮球运动开展现状调查分析
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