    Huaiyang county junior high school physical education curriculum to carry out the present situation investigation and analysis
    Abstract: Interview method, this article uses the literature material law, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics, logic analysis of huaiyang county sports curriculum present situation investigation analysis, the results show that in addition to the ninth grade other huaiyang county junior high school grade weekly offer physical education section number to achieve basic standards; Urban and rural middle school sports facilities development not balanced, the villages and towns to a serious shortage of space equipment facilities; Township full-time secondary school physical education teachers with a grave shortage of quantity, in the existing full-time physical education teachers, teacher education can not meet the specified requirements, PE teachers' title generally low, no senior titles; The opening of school physical education curriculum project of a single, cannot satisfy students a variety of interests; Teachers use the teaching method is simple and old, can't create a good classroom atmosphere, not fully arouse the enthusiasm of students, exert students' initiative; School of physical education curriculum and physical education teachers less attention. To solve above problems, this paper put forward its own opinion and the suggestion, for the effective development of huaiyang county junior high school physical education curriculum to provide theoretical reference.
    Key words: Huaiyang county; Junior high school; Physical education curriculum; To carry out the status quo
    目    录
    摘要    3
    前言    5
    1.研究对象与方法    5
    1.1研究对象    5
    1.2研究方法    5
    2.结果与分析    6
    2.1淮阳县初中体育课各年级开课节数    6
    2.2淮阳县初中场地器材设施状况    6
    2.3淮阳县初中体育教师师资状况    7
    2.4淮阳县初中体育课的开课项目调查    9
    2.5淮阳县初中学生参与体育课程的态度    9
    2.6淮阳县初中体育教学程序    10
    2.7学校领导对淮阳县初中体育的支持程度    11
    3结论和建议    12
    3.1结论    12
    3.2建议    12
    参考文献    13
    附录1    15
    淮阳县初中体育课程开展现状学生调查问卷    15
    附录2    16
    淮阳县初中体育课程开展现状教师调查问卷    16
    致谢    17
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