


    Abstract Today in the 21st century, health has been received increasing attention with the continues development of our society. The physical and psychological health of students come into the focus of all walks of life and the researches about this field have reached a deep degree. Taking an active part in sports is a necessary access to improve the students’ physical health. In the sports teaching, there are various kinds of students differ in personality. By using the method of questionnaire investigation to determine the temperament type of 400 students from grade three to grade six in Gudang First Primary School, namely, bilious temperament, sanguineous temperament, phlegmatic temperament, melancholic temperament. According to the arrangement and analysis to the results of their physical health test  and the temperament type, I will summarize students’ temperament type which is corresponding to each items of sports performance, thus we are able to put the inpidualized quality education into practice. Physical education works should differently treat students of different temperament type, motivate their initiatives in physical exercise, prevent and overcome the negative sides as well.

      Keywords: personality characteristics;physical health;temperament type

    目    录

    摘    要 0

    Abstract 0

    引  言 0

    1研究学生个性特征与体质健康的定义 1

    1.1个性定义 1

    1.2体质概念 1

    1.3健康含义 1

    1.4研究的理论基础和现实意义 2

    1.5个性特征与体质健康的关系 2

    2研究对象与研究方法 2

    2.1研究对象 2

    2.2研究方法 2

    2.2.1调查法 2

    2.2.2课堂观察法,个人访谈法 3

    2.2.3文献资料法 3

    2.2.4数理统计法 3

    3实验结果与分析 3

    3.1肺活量成绩对应学生的气质类型分析 3

    3.2 50米跑成绩对应学生的气质类型分析 4

    3.3仰卧起坐成绩对应学生的气质类型分析 4

    3.4坐位体前屈成绩对应学生的气质类型分析 5

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