
    摘要进入新世纪,我国经济继续飞速发展,综合国力进一步加强。人们的生活水平发生了翻天覆地的变化,人们也越来越关注自身的健康。在健身业迅猛发展过程中,一个新的职业——健身教练在我国人才市场中出现。作为俱乐部的核心力量,健身教练是引领人们进入体育健身领域的带头人,要引导和促进健身教练能够更好更快的发展。本文采用了文献资料法、访谈法和问卷调查法,对杭州市江干区部分健身俱乐部操课教练、私人教练现状的调查与分析,随着健身俱乐部的不断增加,对健身教练员的要求和需求也在不断增长,现就杭州市江干健身教练整体而言,年龄结构趋于年轻化,学历水平较高,健身教练从教时间不长,缺乏充足的教学经验,没有形成良好的培训体系,健身教练的数量和质量上有待进一步提高。健身俱乐部在管理的制度上不健全,也没有相关部门对健身俱乐部的制度进行完善,健身教练市场缺乏统一的规范化管理。经过调查,剖析健身教练员的专业技能等问题,并提出相关的对策。 46765

    Abstract: Entering the new century, China's economy continued rapid development of the comprehensive national strength further strengthened. People's living standard has undergone enormous changes, people are increasingly concerned about their health. In the fitness industry, the rapid development of the process, a new career - in our fitness coach appeared in the talent market. As the core strength of the club, a fitness trainer is to lead people into leaders in the field of physical fitness, fitness instructor should be able to guide and promote better and faster development. In this paper, the literature, interviews and questionnaires, part of Hangzhou Sandy drills fitness coach, personal trainer Status Survey and analysis, along with the increasing health club, fitness trainer requirements and needs are growing, we hereby Xiasha trainer whole, tend to be younger age structure, higher education levels, fitness instructor from teaching time is not long, the lack of adequate teaching experience, do not form a good training system, fitness trainer be further improved on the quantity and quality. Health club in the management of the system is not perfect, there is no relevant departments to improve the system health club, fitness coach market lacks a unified standardized management. After an investigation, analysis expertise fitness coaches and other issues, and propose solutions.     

    毕业论文关键词: 健身教练  素质 文化水平  现状 

         Keywords:Fitness coach  Quality  Cultural level  Status quo

    目  录

    摘   要 I

    1前言 1

    1.1研究背景 1

    1.2研究目的及意义 1

    1.3国内外研究现状 1

    2 研究对象与方法 1

    2.1研究对象 1

    2.2研究方法 1

    2.2.1文献资料法 1

    2.2.2访谈法 2

    2.2.3问卷调查法 2

    2.2.4数理统计法 2

    3 结果与分析. 2

    3.1杭州市江干区健身教练基本情况 2

    3.1.1年龄和教龄情况 2

    3.1.2杭州市江干区健身教练的性别结构 2


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