

    毕业论文关键词:桐乡市城区;  初三学生;  课外活动; 


    Middle school extracurricular sports activities, is not only an important part of school physical culture and education goal is to realize the school comprehensive the important way. However, because of the grade students down big entrance task, and corresponding extracurricular activities, together with the sports facilities and less limited reasons, makes the grade students can't good involved in extracurricular activities, to a certain extent, affected the tongxiang city grade students in extracurricular sports activities in the development. This article through questionnaire survey, material analysis, visit forms, select several tongxiang city middle school to grade students, the extracurricular sports activities status and influence factors of the investigation and analysis, the results showed that: the current influence tongxiang city grade students in extracurricular sports activities to develop main factors include 1. Understanding attitude and participation purpose is not clear, 2.activities project selection is too centralized, 3. Activity time is insufficient, 4. Participation form a single 5. Pressures upon their schoolwork the overweight, 6. facilities deficiency, and noted that they take part in extracurricular sports exercise the necessity, and for its better take part in extracurricular activities provide feasible countermeasures.

    Keywords:Tongxiang city;Grade students;Extracurricular activities;

    目    录

    1前 言 6

    1.1选题依据 6

    2 研究对象与方法 6

    2.1 研究对象 6

    2.2 研究方法 6

    2.2.1访谈法 6

    2.2.2问卷调查法 7

    2.2.3数理统计法 7

    2.2.4文献 7

    3 结果与分析 7

    3.1桐乡市城区中学生课外活动开展现状 7

    3.1.1初三学生对课外活动的态度现状 7

    3.1.2初三学生对课外体育活动认识现状 8

    3.1.3桐乡市城区初三学生选择课外体育活动参与的目的和动机 8

    3.1.4桐乡市初三学生课外活动项目选择呈现的特点 9

    3.1.5 桐乡市城区初三学课外活动的组织形式 9

    3.1.6 桐乡市城区学校、社会公共运动场地及器材 10

    3.1.7  桐乡市城区学校大课间活动开展情况

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