摘 要:中国知识分子对于传播真正历史文化有不可推卸之责任,广义之历史文化包括一切学术文化,而今学者追逐功名利禄,学术泡沫化,论文怪异化,一代一代青少年被此庸俗功利学术氛围熏陶。空空道人痛心于学术文化沦落为商人牟利之场,以点评七大名著为传承真正文化命脉之一途,引导青年走向真知,令人欣慰。本文以其评点《三国演义》第一回文字为主要内容,发现其于农民起义之真知灼见,并深刻理解作家圣贤王道理想,足见其文化创意思想,在于揭示名著文本真相也。源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766
Abstract: It is a compelling obligation for Chinese intellectuals to diffuse real history culture。 From a broad perspective, historical culture includes everything about academic culture。 Nowadays, many scholars pursue high official positions and riches so that some scholars kill academic under the guise of scholarship and some thesis are filled with abnormality。 Generations of teenagers are edified by the atmosphere of vulgar utilitarian scholarship。 Scholar Kongkongdaoren was extremely grieved at the phenomenon that academic culture is reduced to the place where businessmen just to know make profits, so he made some remarks on seven masterpieces to inherit the essence of true culture and to guide the youth towards the truth, it is actually comforting。 This thesis is aimed at discussing the first return text of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms that has ever been remarked by Scholar Kongkongdaoren and finding that he has a deep opinion on peasant revolt。 Besides, he deeply understand writers’ ideal about how to be a saint and a virtuous person and their beliefs。 From these points, we can find that his cultural creative thought lies in reveal the truth of famous works。
Key words: Scholar Kongkongdaoren; the remarks on The Romance of the Three Kingdoms; cultural creativity
文化学术对于中国社会发展之重大意义尚未得到应有之真知,100年来,传统文化遭到严重破坏,名著经典思想被严重歪曲,或者被利用异化,此诚国家民族之大不幸也。钱穆云:“故欲其国民对国家有深厚之爱情,必先使其国民对国家以往历史有深厚的认识。与其国民对国家当前有真实之改进,必先使其国民对国家以往历史有真实之了解。”[1]<p3>中国知识分子对于传播真正历史文化有不可推卸之责任,广义之历史文化包括一切学术文化,而今学者追逐功名利禄,学术泡沫化,论文怪异化,一代一代青少年被此庸俗功利学术氛围熏陶。空空道人痛心于学术文化沦落为商人牟利之场,以点评七大名著为传承真正文化命脉之一途,引导青年走向真知,令人欣慰。From优T尔K论M文L网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201^8766
关于中国古代小说名著评点,王运熙等主编《中国文学批评史》认为,金人瑞评点《三国演义》的才能震动了当时文坛 ,廖燕作传赞指出,当时“效先生所评书”已成风气(《二十七松堂集·金圣叹先生传》) 。 在金人瑞之后的小说评点史上,用力最動、声名最大的要数毛纶、毛宗岗父子评点«三国志演义»和张道深评点«金瓶梅» 。[2]<p360>后来脂砚斋评点《红楼梦》也十分著名。21世纪初期空空道人站在历史高度评点七大名著,蕴意深刻丰富。本文在李士金教授指导下,以其评点《三国演义》第一回文字为主要内容,研讨其文化创意思想,以供学界参考。