



    Abstract At present, with the rapid development of China's national economy, the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people pay attention to and actively participate in physical exercise, sports has been an unprecedented development, school sports as a combination of competitive sports and mass sports Part of the tennis movement is also out of the "aristocratic movement" status, into college students usually like a sport, but tennis also has its own problems。

    In this paper, through the investigation and study on the development of tennis in Hangzhou colleges and universities, this paper investigates the needs of tennis students, the demand survey of site facilities, the demand survey of equipment, the investigation of the demand of time, whether there is any professional guidance, A sense of demand survey, a sense of demand for the investigation of tennis activities to conduct an investigation and analysis。

    Through research, this paper makes the following summary

    1 Improve the professional quality of teachers, increase the training of teachers after the training

    2 Strengthen the construction of tennis courts

    3 Strengthen the internal construction of tennis venues, as much as possible to the students open the number and time

    4 Organize tennis activities and competition, to strengthen the exchange between colleges and universities

    5 Optimize the curriculum to improve the quality of teaching

    6 Develop tennis club and sports team construction

    7 Improve the degree of attention of the relevant departments

       Key words: Colleges and Universities; Tennis; Development; Countermeasures


    摘要 II

    Abstract III

    1 前言 1

    2.研究对象与方法 2

    2.1研究对象 2

    2。2研究方法 3

    2。2。1文献资料法 3

    2。2。2问卷调查法 3

    2。2。3访谈法 3

    3 研究结果与分析 3

    3。1 学生对网球运动的物质需求的调查分析 3

    3。1。1学生对网球运动的参与情况 3

    3。1。2学生对网球运动运动时间需求情况 4

    3。1。2大学生网球源Y于Y优E尔Y论L文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018.766 运动场地情况

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