Our national attention paid to Fitzgerald arose in recent years。 The studies of Fitzgerald in China began in the 1980s, and Dong Hengxun is the earliest researcher for this。 As a representative, we should pay attention to his views and research methods。 The book American Literature History written by Mr。 Dong give a brief introduction to Fitzgerald's literary career and its creative ideas and show the writer's life and achievements to the readers, which creates a special position in the history of modern literature in the United States。  文献综述

Because of the influence of Fitzgerald’s living experiences, biographical information contributes to an understanding of The Great Gatsby。 The literary view of Chapter1 in this book, for example, is entirely free of biographical interpretation。 In this chapter we will examine the life that provided some of the raw material for the fiction。 Although many writers have used biographical information about the author in their fiction, it is unlikely that any major writer created fiction solely for the purpose of writing about his life。 Almost every perceptive reader will see that Fitzgerald, either consciously or unconsciously, brought his internal conflicts into his fictions。 

II。 Representations of feminist criticism

2。1。 Nick's viewings of flappers 来自~优尔、论文|网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

By showing the unethical portraits of women, the author vividly depicted a moral corruption of vanity in the society The Great Gatsby。 One of the narrators and the protagonists of the novel, Nick, directly painted a picture of the person。 As a spokesman of Fitzgerald, Nick claimed that virtue is to be honest。 He said:" The honest people I know is not too much, but I just happened to be one of them。” It can be supposed that Nick Carraway has a biased attitude to woman from the description。 We can find misogyny in the representations of the three main characters—Daisy, Jordan and Myrtle。 The first teller Nick almost put every emphasis on the male figures and made all the women in the second place。 Women are subordinate to the men in this book and all drawn on the base of men’s world。 Although Daisy is a value person in the structure of this story, but the description to Daisy given by Nick are mostly limited in the observation of her behavior and the comments from other people。 He thought that the female are elusive, miserable and not positive in their position。 The women are indulged in the imagination and cannot reach the deep knowledge of the essence of the world。 In that way, the writer concealed the importance of women deliberately and deprived their speaking rights。 The aim is to build a male discourse and pure man’s world。 Nick’s own emotions and expectations are fully expressed in the men’s perspective。 Thus all of us are greatly affected by the concepts of man’s power and social patriarchal。

Nick's monologues nearly narrated the full discourse women。 He thought they are brimmed with hostility and prejudice, and this attitude reflected in his cynicism of women and the description of hatred。 It seems that he instinctively to beautiful, attractive woman。 The skeptical feeling of their beauty is used to obtain benefits and in that way Nick also denied her beauty。 Nick found that Daisy always spoke in murmur in order to allow the person to the body。 When children were near to her, her affections showed that the way of speaking was not sincerely: "I'm happy to be collapsed ", "you make me think of one flower---a rose---a genuine rose "。She pretend to be lofty, secular, and said "her voice was full of gold money。" In a word, she was only care about herself and nevertheless about others。 For Daisy, there was not any moral responsibility and obligations in the world。 In fact, Nick’s comments on Daisy are completely controlled by the patriarchal consciousness and her plight of emotional infidelity has to put up with her husband。 She showed the stupid and affectations of words and deeds。 Actually she was trying to hide a woman’s true feelings for Gatsby, but the cold doesn't mean that In the first chapter, Daisy told Nick and Jordan: "I hope she is a stupid in the future Melon---the best way out for the girl in the world is to be a beautiful little fool。" It is true in the patriarchy society which is under the system of women's position, and it is also helpless satire and struggle to women's status。 Nick’s hostility to women also reflected in his description of the relationship with Jordan baker。 His evaluation of Jordan obviously reflected his disambiguation of women。 In shaping the Jordan, Nick said she is "not honest to the hopeless" and in" can't be off track on the plane" which we can feel he described her affectations firstly, and later accused her while driving。 He accused her of "to the world posed as the vice bored and superior surface hole, the semblance of words and deeds are always hide something。" 

















