III。 The Reliance of Humans on the Ocean in Marine Trilogy

3。1 The Love of Humans for the Ocean

In Marine Trilogy, the complexity of the beauty of the sea and marine life could be seen to express human’s love for the ocean。 Under The Sea Wind and The Edge of the Sea are full of the love for the marine。 Under The Sea Wind is the first book of the Carson’s Marine Trilogy whose topic is the marine life。 There is such a vivid scene in the work: 

Heron is motionlessly standing, his neck bent in the back, its Abarbed beak takes fish across its legs。 When the mud turtle moved to deep water, it scared a little mullet, which quickly swam to the beach with confusions and panics。 (Carson, 1951:62) 来.自^优+尔-论,文:网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

Carson with an elegant style portrays the beauty and complexity of marine from a spectator’s point of view to create a rich poetic world for the readers。 

In the last paragraph of the book is in narrative tone, so fish and other sea creatures should become the protagonist。 Narrators can not appear in the works and express his opinion, other people also can not break into the story, except for the looters and vandals in the eyes of fishes。 Previously, Carson wrote letters to Hendrick, van Loon introducing her own creative motivation: 

You know, I don’t want it to be a bedtime story, and I don’t want to make up a story。 It is based on the daily life of the residents of the sea, which is normal, wonderful and believable。 (Hendrik, 1960:32)

In the work The Edge of the Sea, Carson focuses on the beach。 In her books, the beach is like a live stage in groups of marine life, and instantly becomes vibrant。 













