E-C Translation of Business Letters —— From the Perspective of Skopos Theory

Abstract    With the gradual deepening of the reform and opening-up and the process of economic globalization, the economic connection between our country and other countries is getting closer and closer, especially after China's successful accession to the World Trade Organization。 In such a whole environment, business letters’ role in international trade, serving as a bridge is more and more obvious。Therefore, the translation of business letters is definitively important。 Qualified translation of business letters can effectively promote trade activities; on the contrary , it will lead to the failure of trade and hinder the development of economy。86948

     In 1990s, Skopos Theory first entered China。 After that, in order to explore it, a variety of academic articles ceaselessly came out from all angles。 This theory holds that as a kind of behavior, translation is also required to achieve certain purposes。 Three rules should be followed under the guidance of the theory: Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule。 Skopos rule refers that the purpose of translation determines the overall process of translation。 As a practical text, business letters has the function of transmitting information to achieve cooperation, thus its E-C translation’s purpose is to strengthen communication and realize transactions。 However, business letters have its unique linguistic features, such as correctness, completeness, formality, profession, courtesy and so on, which make some difficulties in the actual E-C translation process。 However, based on Vermeer's Skopos Theory, there is no doubt that studying the application of Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule in the E-C translation of business letters will help the development of translation activities。

     In this paper, from the perspective of Skopos Theory, combining with the characteristics of business letters, the author proposes that in E-C translation of business letters, translators should pay attention to the purpose and language characteristics of the letter itself, and adopt the corresponding translation strategies and techniques。 Through the analysis of Skopos Theory, the author summarizes the effective translation techniques from the perspective of Skopos Theory: first, emphasizing on the principle of correctness and accurate delivery of the information of the source text; second, deleting the source text according to the style Convention; third, omitting the source text according to the different language forms; forth, adjusting the source text according to the cultural differences and fifth, using fixed translation。 

Keywords: Skopos Theory; business letters; features; translation techniques


摘  要随着中国改革开放和经济全球化的逐步深化,特别是在我国成功加入世界贸易组织之后,我国与其他国家的经济交往日趋频繁。在这样一个大环境下,商务信函翻译在国际贸易中的桥梁作用也越来越明显。而商务信函翻译的质量在贸易实务中则显得至关重要。高质量的商务信函翻译能有效促进贸易活动的开展,反之则会导致贸易的失败,阻碍经济的发展。


















