It is a fact that the research on Skopos Theory will be helpful to improve the translation quality of business letters。 Combined with the features of business letters, this paper systematically analyzes the main rules of Skopos Theory and points out the relevant techniques that can be used in the E-C translation of business letters。 The purpose of this study is to provide theoretical guidance and some specific translation techniques for E-C translation of business letters, explore the application of Skopos Theory to E-C translation of business letters, and enrich its translation theoretical system。

This paper on the whole includes five parts。 Part one, the introduction part of this paper; part two, the definition and function of business letters; part three, the origin, development and main rules of Skopos Theory; part four, language features of business letters; part five, basic techniques for E-C translation of business letters within Skopos Theory; part six, Summarize the full text, point out the deficiency of the article and put forward suggestions for the following further research。

  The author does hope to obtain the benefit to the E-C translation of business letters from this research on business letters' translation from the perspective of Skopos Theory。 In addition, the author looks forward to seeing more desirable translation principles and methods blooming up in the near future to make better communication in business trade and gain more profit。 

II。The Definition and Functions of Business Letters

     To go on this research, we must have a clear understanding on business letters。 That is to say, what is a business letter or what is the definition of business letters? In addition, as a special practical literary style, what kind of functions do business letters have also deserves our explorations。

2。1。 The Definition of Business Letters 

      Correspondence, also called letter, refers to writing down what is to be said according to a conventional form in order to give it to the specified objects to read。 Business letters, just as their literal meaning, refer to the letters used in companies, government agencies, various organizations, shops and some other commercial or transactional sites to communicate with each other。 In other words, business correspondence is the letter which is used for delivering information and handling business affairs, contacting with each others in daily communication。 It is an extremely vital tool in the operational actions of commercial trading company。 A business letter with different contents can receive different consequences,like business trading, after-sale negotiating and keeping trading connection with business partners。 Serving as an written form to delivery business information, business letters also stand for the business image of a company or organization at the same time。 Business letters involve almost very procedure of business activities, generally concerning establishing business relation, inquiry, offer, counter-offer, acceptance, placing orders, insurance, shipment, claim and so on。

2。2。 The Function of Business Letters 

      Business letters play a crucial role in business activities。 When it comes to the function of business letters, the primary three can be briefly concluded。 

The fundamental one is that it is the most important means of commercial communication for companies。 In each business process, no matter establishing business relation or after-sales service and claim, it can be regarded as a bridge for both sides to conveying and exchange their ideas and thoughts。 This function can be indicated from the following letter。

Dear Sirs

We are pleased to inform you of the establishment of our branch at the above address。 We hope that by it we can handle our business more efficiently for the convenience of our customers。 We also hope that you will continue to place orders with us direct or through our new branch。

















