2。1。2 The factors influencing academic achievement 

Learning is a very complicated activity and what educators are concerned is what knowledge students have learnt and to what degree they have learnt。 Thus, academic achievement is always seen as a measure of these two indicators。 Of course, it is unreasonable to simply regard academic achievement as the standard of assessing students 'ability, but in the current domestic education system, the academic achievement level is still an important index to evaluate students' learning because through the level of academic performance, teachers can understand student's learning situation。 Academic achievement represents an important predictor of the adolescents' future professional career, attainment of social status as well as of their personal well-being (Creed, Patton, & Prideaux, 2007; Sijtsema et。al, 2014)。 Due to the high importance of academic achievement in the adolescents' future development, researchers continuously seek factors that could enhance students' achievement。 Extensive research has been conducted on numerous factors influencing the academic achievement of school children。 While many studies have emphasized inpidual factors such as intelligence and non-intelligence to explain differences in academic achievement, others have examined external factors, including those addressing the role of school environment and parental socioeconomic status。 

The Big Five personality traits are related to an extensive range of behaviours and important life outcomes including learning and academic achievement (Izabela et。al, 2017)。 The Big Five personality traits comprise the following: extraversion (described as being friendly, assertive and sociable), conscientiousness (described as being organized, dependable, and motivated), agreeableness (described as being cooperative, trusting, and helpful), openness to new experience (described as being emotional, curious, creative, imaginative, and hereafter referred to as, Openness), and neuroticism (associated with easily being made to feel upset, angry, anxious, or depressed) (Peter et。al, 2016)。 A majority of prior research on different samples (in age, education level, culture difference, etc。) has indicated that, among the Big Five personality traits, Conscientiousness is the strongest predictor of academic achievement regardless of way of its operationalization (e。g。 GAP, SAT, scores, grades etc。) (Conrad, 2006; O & Paunonen, 2007; Noftle & Robins, 2007;Hakimi et al。, 2011)。 A meta-analysis made by O and Paunonen (2007) has revealed that the overall correlation between Conscientiousness and academic achievement across the studies was 0。22。

Traditionally, intelligence has two meanings:One is the integrated various capabilities of comprehensive understanding, including observation, memory, imagination and so on and abstract logical thinking ability is the core of intelligence。 The other is based on the scores measured by the intelligence test。 The application of intelligence test in education is mainly because of students’ disparity which leads to the difficulties both to teachers and students, and therefore educators expect that with the application of intelligence tests assessing students’ intelligence, teachers can teach students in accordance with their aptitude。 文献综述

With the development of intellectual concepts and the development of psychological tests, the concept of non-intellectual factors came into being。 "Non-intellectual factors" proposed by Wechsle (1950) suggested that the general intelligence cannot simply equate to the sum of the various intellectual abilities, but also should contain other non-intellectual factors。 According to this point of view, non-intellectual factors mainly refer to temperament and personality factors, especially personality factors, including innate, cognitive and emotional components。 Thus, non-intellectual factors are a category concept, referring to all intellectual-independent part。 In essence, learning is based on the interaction of motivation and cognition of psychological representation based on constructive stimulation。 Therefore, non-intellectual factors can be pided into two categories: motivational variables and cognitive factors。 Motivational variables include self-efficacy, goal orientation, attribution, etc。, which affect the initiative and consciousness of students' learning。 Cognitive factors mainly involve students' learning strategies and cognitive methods, which restrict learners' acquisition, absorption and application of knowledge。 In recent decades, it has been realized that non-intellectual factors have an unexpected and even decisive effect on students’ academic performance。 Therefore, learning strategies and other non-intellectual factors have become the focus of educators’ study。 

















