1。1 Background Information

  With the strengthening of China's economic strength, the improvement of international influence, coupled with the social system of socialism, the United States has always regarded China as heterogeneous。 In the 2008 national security strategy analysis, the United States still regarded China as a potential threat。 In order to strive for better living space, increase the response to the United States squeeze the chips, China actively participate in major international affairs, and strive for more voice, China's participation in the Iranian nuclear issue is an example。

  Nowadays, the current international nuclear security situation is still complicated。 First, the international underground nuclear smuggling is still rampant。 According to the "illicit trafficking in nuclear and other radioactive materials database" statistics of IAEA, there were 257 cases of theft and illicit trafficking in nuclear and radioactive materials in 2004。 Many of them were serious cases。 Second, international terrorist forces such as terrorist organizations are still trying hard to obtain nuclear technology and nuclear materials。 Many terrorist organizations try to obtain the nuclear weapons of mass destruction。 Third, the radioactive sources have very serious potential security risks。 They may become the sources for building a dirty bomb。  The U。S。 Nuclear Regulatory Commission in a report admitted that since 1996, it had lost more than 1500 pieces of radioactive sources。文献综述

  While strengthening nuclear security is a national responsibility, international cooperation and global governance are indispensable。 Today, with the deepening development of globalization, the accidents that related to nuclear , whether because of natural disasters or because of man-made disasters,the influence will go beyond a country or beyond a region,and even have a global political and economic impact。 In the future, if the terrorists attack the nuclear power plant, its impact must not be limited to one country。 If terrorists succeed in stealing nuclear material, create rough nuclear devices or radiation dispersing devices, and detonate these devices,its economic and political impact must affect international trade and frequent contacts between countries。 If terrorists attempt to create nuclear terror across the border, they must use those countries or regions where port management is relatively weak。 If there is no effective export control cooperation between countries, intelligence sharing and detection coordination, nuclear security will be difficult to maintain。

















