List of Tables

Table 1-1: EFL Courses on Eleven Domestic MOOC Platforms Table 3-2: Selection of Courses

Table 3-4: Use of Questions

Table 3-5: Five Types of Sentences

Table 3-6: Length of Sentences in American & Chinese EFL MOOCs

Table 4-1 Body languages in EFL Classes

Table 4-2: Presentation Forms of American & Chinese EFL MOOCs

Figure 3-1 : A Synthetic Theoretical Framework for Multimodal Discourse Analysis Figure 3-3: Teaching Procedures & Functions

Figure 3-7: Use of PPT Figure 4-3: Scene Shifting

1。 Introduction

1。1 Background of the Study

MOOC is an abbreviation of Massive Open Online Courses。 This term was first coined by Dave Cormier and Bryan Alexander in 2008。 (Wang Xueyu, Zhou Gang, et al。, 2016) In 2013, MOOC officially entered China。 Netease took the lead in cooperating with Coursera and set MOOC up in China。 Subsequently, domestic Universities, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, the University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology formally joined edX。 Undoubtedly MOOC become a new impetus to the internationalization of China's higher education。源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网 原文+QQ75201-8766

By the end of 2013, Coursera had opened 557 courses in 25 subjects, languages of these courses including English, Chinese, French, Russian and so on。 Over 5。8 million learners had signed in。 Also, Edx has opened 125 courses that are taught in English for 25 subjects。 There were also millions of registered students of Edx。 There a great need for English learning and a growing trend for English education, according to the

statistics of our domestic MOOC platforms(Table 1-1)concluded by Wang Liangcun, Chinese EFL courses

are still at a groping stage。 (Wang Liangcun, 2016)

Table 1-1: Chinese EFL MOOCs on Evelven Domestic Platforms

Platform Number of Courses Number of EFL Courses Proportion

Xuetangx 1062 8 0。75%

Peking university open

online courses 54 1 1。85%

Eastern and Western University Curriculum

Alliance 115 1 0。87%

icourse 139 6 4。32%

Chinese University MOOC 784 6 0。76%

UOOC 43 1 2。32%

Chaoxing MOOC 6963 20 0。29%

MOOC College 4292 14 0。33%

MOOC China 842 6 0。77%

Top Chinese University

MOOCs Alliance 205 2 0。79%

NetEase Open Course 5192 6 0。12%

As we all know, the four language skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing。 They are also the four essential aspects for L2 teaching。 Speaking is considered as the most primary one among these  four skills。 Besides, Since we are to observe and analyze video lessons instead of face-to-face classes, we’d better to choose a category of language classes that emerges more teaching resources, teaching methods as well as other presentation forms。 So, listening & speaking courses will be the best choice 。文献综述

















