1。3 Structures 

This thesis consists of five chapters。 Chapter 1 gives an introduction of background, research significance and the outline of this paper。 Chapter 2 presents the literature review of CI, including the definition, forms and functions。 The previous studies both at home and abroad are also presented here。 Chapter 3 reveals the methodology。 Firstly three research questions of this thesis are presented。 Then the samples of the thesis and working procedures are explained here。 Finally, data collection and analysis will be provided。 Chapter 4 is the main part of this paper。 It presents the analysis and results of the EES’s strategies of CI while giving and after giving CI。 It also talks about the ineffective CI they used to give。 Chapter 5 draws a conclusion on the findings of this study。 In the meanwhile, the suggestions on giving effective CI for EES are also discussed。

Chapter 2 An overview of classroom instructions

    This chapter is mainly about the literature review of the definitions of classroom instructions。 Then in the second part, some previous studies are shown from scholars at home and abroad。

2。1 Definitions of classroom instructions

First of all, it is necessary to give a definition to the term ‘classroom instructions’ (CI) in this thesis so that the readers can get better comprehension。 The word ‘directives’ is also used as the same meaning as instructions。 In the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, it is defined as “something that someone tells you to do”。 Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics defines it as “a speech act that has the function of getting the listener to do something like a suggestion, a request and a command”。 Many scholars have given their definitions to the word ‘instructions’。 Tsui (1994) defined instructions as follows: “an instruction is usually given by a person who has the right to get the addresses to complete。 This right is usually due to the power or authority that he has over the latter, but not the necessity so”。 According to Tsui’s view, in the EFL classroom, teachers’ rights are higher than students’ to some extent, so they can get command of students’ behavior and the step of class。 From the view of speech act, Austin (1962) and Searle (1969) defined “instructions” as “attempts made by speakers to make the hearer to do something, to make the hearer to achieve speakers’ goal and to ask the hearer to make things happen according to speakers’ wish”。 Similarly, Bussmann (1996) dedicated that instruction is a speech art, which aims at making listeners carry out a specific task。 According to these scholars’ definitions of instructions, it can be seen that language has the performance function。 CI is the speech act which is given by speakers that have the right to ask hearer to carry out something。 As to definitions mentioned above, Ur (1996) gave a more specific definition of CI。 He interpreted that CI that is given to introduce learning task which entails with some measures of independent study activities。 He also dedicated that CI are the explanations towards procedures in performing a studying task。 From his perspectives it can be seen that CI is just like a bridge between teachers and students。 Teachers can use CI to organize activities and assign tasks to get students involved in the class。 Sinclair and Coulthard (1975) also dedicated that “the directives usually call for some non-linguistic behaviors to give response to it; these behaviors are confirmed through listening, reading, writing or moving”。 That means students’ responses like reading and writing are also needed here。 So from this perspective, it can be seen that CI is also a set of explanations to make students get involved in activities。源Y于U优I尔O论P文W网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201-8766

















