Then, there is the comparative analysis of the translations of chapter titles in the two English version of Xi You Ji from the perspective of Skopostheorie in chapter 3。 The author illustrates the Anthony C。 Yu’s and W。J。F。 Jenner’s Journey to the West which the author has great interest in, followed by analysis of their translations of chapter titles from the Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule。 

The conclusion is drawn in chapter 4。 The author makes a summary of what she has found and also points out the limitations of this thesis。 

1。3 The Significance of the Research

Skopostheorie breaks through the limitations of the traditional linguistic translation perspective that is based on equivalence。 In the view of Skopostheorie, various factors have impact on the ways of translation。 In this way, Skopostheorie broadens the translation theorists’ horizons when engaged in related researches。

Guided by Skopostheorie, the author makes great efforts to compare the different chapter titles’ translations in the two English versions of Xi You Ji completed by Anthony C。 Yu and W。J。F。 Jenner。 However, the aim of the thesis is not to decide which translation is more preferable but to justify the translation  strategies and methods that translators are supposed to take according to their different Skopos or purposes。 

After comparing Anthony C。 Yu’s and W。J。F。 Jenner’s translations of the chapter titles, the author believes that there is no fix method or strategy that translators should employ。 It is the purpose or Skopos of translation that decides what methods and strategies that should be taken。 In order to fulfill translators’ Skopos of translation as good as possible, they can translate both literally and liberally。

This paper aims to find the answers of the following three questions: First, what are Anthony C。 Yu’s and W。J。F。 Jenner’s skopos of translating Xi You Ji? Second, what methods and strategies they use in their translations of Xi You Ji’s chapter titles? The last one is the reasons why they employ such translation methods and strategies and the results and effects they achieve。     

To sum up, it is necessary to apply Skopostheorie in the researches of literary translation which can elevate the restrictions of traditional translation theories and offer dynamic and brand-new perspectives。 What is more important is that analyzing translations of Chinese traditional literature in the view of Skopostheorie can be very beneficial to spreading Chinese culture effectively in the sphere of literature。 

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2 。1 Previous Studies on Skopostheorie

2。1。1 Previous Studies on Skopostheorie Abroad

Christiane Nord gives a thorough explanation on the Skopostheorie in her books, What Do We Know about Target-text Receiver? (Nord, 1998) and Skopos, Loyalty and Translational Conventions (Nord, 2001)。 In addition, Vermeer points out that “Any form of translational action, including therefore translation itself, may be conceived as an action, as the name implies。 Any action has an aim, a purpose。 The word Skopos, then is a technical term for the aim or purpose of a translation, an action leads to a result, a new situation or event, and possibly to a new object。” (Vermeer 1986: 17) It is clear that every author has his or her own target during the process of translating and aims at an a certain group of receivers。 In Nord’s book Translating as a Purposeful Activity- Functional Approaches Explained, it is to translate a text in a target setting for a target purpose and target address in a target circumstance。 After the publication of this book, she writes many other books on this topic, such as Skopos and Commission in Translational Action the Translation Studies (Vermeer, 2000) to make further illustrations of Skopostheorie。论文网

















