
    3.1 Low-context versus High-context Communication    5
    3.2 Inpidualism versus Collectivism    6
    3.3 Outcome Orientation versus Relationship Orientation    7
    4 Influences of Cultural Differences on Intercultural Business Negotiation    9
    4.1 Linguistic Differences    9
    4.1.1 Self Appellations    9
    4.1.2 The Passive Voice    10
    4.2 The Embodiment of Etiquette    10
    4.2.1 Dressing Etiquette    10
    4.2.2 The Etiquette of Sending Gift    11
    4.3 Codes of Conduct    12
    5 Strategies in Intercultural Business Negotiation    13
    5.1 Verbal Communication    13
    5.1.1 The Use of Fuzzy Language    13
    5.1.2 The Use of Humorous Language    14
    5.2 Body Language Communication    15
    5.2.1 Gestures    15
    5.2.2 Postures    16
    5.2.3 Eye contact    17
    6 Conclusion    18
    Bibliography    19 
    1 Introduction
    Due to the fact that the number of multinational corporations is increasing day by day, the globalization of the world economy has been a general trend. The purport of businessmen’s awareness towards cultural differences, as a part of intercultural business, has become considerably obvious. In intercultural business negotiations, participants are from different cultural backgrounds. According to their different political rules, cultural and customs, educational backgrounds and religious, people have different or even opposite cognition of the same issue, word or action. It is the effective communication that may be the most important competitive advantage when firms have to meet multitudinous customer needs on a global basis and save much more time. In consideration of what the American statesman and inventor Benjamin Franklin wrote, time is money. To succeed in the global market today requires the ability to communicate saponaceous with foreign people which is a sensitivity based on an understanding of cross-cultural differences. Therefore, the research on cultural differences has been paid high emphasis on intercultural business negotiations.

    Although business negotiation is a major element in intercultural business communications, there has been little research about the influences of culture differences on intercultural business negotiations. After China joined in WTO, the research on this subject seems to become important. For this reason, there is great requirement for us to realize beforehand about the cultural differences between different countries so as to hold effective strategies of intercultural business negotiations to make the communication smoother and more flexible.
    2 Business Negotiations and Culture
    In modern society, everyone holds the opinion that business negotiation plays an important role in business, for whatever the buyers or the sellers need to communicate and negotiate before making a deal. Nevertheless, it is not easy for everyone to have a good command of what culture is exactly and how to take full advantage of it in negotiation. Videlicet, business negotiation is a like of economic activity through which the parties involved seek the greatest gains. At the same time, language is a major measure used during business negotiation period. However, we make sure that if the serious problems with its use won’t arise, the power of language has been left unexamined.
    Business negotiation can be described as both art and science. A must-have of a good negotiator includes not only professional knowledge, but also the knowledge about psychology, sociology and other aspects. The most importance is etiquette knowledge. It cannot be waited to explore the specific values about Chinese and other countries’ cultures in order to avoid misunderstandings in global communication and handle business negotiations more smoothly.
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