    A Study of Culture-specific Items on the Translation of Chinese Porcelain in Museums from the Perspective of Skopos Theory
    Abstract:With a broad and profound history, Chinese porcelain culture are attracting more and more international tourists, meanwhile, many people would like to visit China's porcelain museums. However, from the reality, basically some major Chinese museums are introduced with the English interpretation of the porcelain, but these interpretation are in variable degrees. There are some problems need to be resolved, including the porcelain translation of the words, the uniform of the format, the poor of the content and the lack of China history and culture of the introduction. All of these issues will affect the spread of Chinese porcelain. In addition, through a rough study, the author found that the number of the translation of Chinese porcelain is very few, which can not show the consistent and long porcelain culture. As a messenger of the spread of traditional Chinese culture, porcelain translation should be given enough attention. It is imperative to improve the accuracy of the translation of the name of porcelain in the museums. China has splendid culture and a long history, so many rich and colorful cultural items can be seen everywhere. The translation of Chinese culture have received more and more attention from all over the world, however, how to improve the accuracy of cultural proprietary items is not so simple. Based on the Skopos theory, this paper analyzes some typical cases of the porcelain translation in the museums, then summarizes the translation of the porcelain terms by combining those three translation strategies of the Skopos theory with the translation strategies of Culture-specific Items, in order to provide some references to the foreign propaganda of the porcelain.
    Key words: Skopos theory; Culture-specific items; Chinese porcelain translation; translation strategies
    KEY WORDS.    2
    摘要        1
    关键词        1
    1.  INTRUDUCTION        2
    1.1 Background of the Study .2
    1.2 Significance of the Study2
    1.3 Structure of the Paper. .3
    2.1 Definition of Culture-specific Items.3
    2.2 Methods for Culture-specifc Items Translation4
    2.3 Domestic and foreign scholars on the study of CSIs.5
    3.1 Overview of Skopos Theory 6
    3.2 The Rules of Skopos Theory .7
        3.2.1 Skopos Rule 7
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