    The Subtitle Translation of The Big Bang Theory from the Perspective of Skopos Theory Abstract In recent years, a large number of western films and TV dramas enter into China,which requires subtitle translation. Thus, the subtitle translation becomes a new field of studies. Humor is a critical part of sitcoms, so the translation of the humorous lines will play a very important role in the audiences’ understanding of the whole show.Among those films and TV dramas, The Big Bang Theory is much more popular. Taking California as the background, this sitcoms describes the stories of everyday life between four talented scientific nerds and a young beautiful restaurant waitress. Although the play is inevitably full of various kinds of scientific theories that are not well known by the ordinary people, its plots and languages are imbued with wisdom and humor, which is largely owing to the success of its subtitle translation. Even though subtitle translation does not have a complete and systematic theoretical system, there are still a growing number of scholars who are engaged in carrying out the related researches. By exploring the corresponding translation strategies, the author expects to draw more scholars’ attention to the subtitle translation and the use of catchwords which is increasingly awarding in the translation process in the recent years. The author talks about the translation of The Big Bang Theory in the light of Skopos Theory. It states that translation actions all have specific purposes which determine the whole process of translation. The author summarizes the three principles of Skopos Theory, and the strategies used in the translation of The Big Bang Theory. In order to effectively analyze the translation strategies, the author uses some examples.34949
    Keywords: The Big Bang Theory; subtitle translation; Skopos Theory
    As a concentrated reflection of the political, economic and cultural situation of a country, films and TV dramas, to some extent, provide domestic audience with opportunities to have a comprehensive understanding of the western world. With the rapid development of the multimedia technology and increasingly frequent exchanges with foreign countries, a number of European and American movies and TV dramas have been marching into Chinese market. American TV dramas, with its unique advantages, quickly occupy much of the competitive audiovisual market. The native and characterful lines draw attention of college students, white-collar workers and younger intellectuals. Besides, more and more people try to use audiovisual films of sitcoms to learn foreign language. When watching original foreign sitcoms of films, audience tend to read the subtitles on the bottom of the screen in order to get full comprehension of the plots. Consequently, high-quality subtitle translation becomes more and more important in conveying the meaning to foreign audience. For the sake of their convenience, the translator must know how to make full use of the target language and ensure the audience the maximum readability and comprehensibility of the target audiovisual films or sitcoms. The author uses The Big Bang Theory as a case study of the subtitle translation of sitcoms, putting the Skopos Theory into practice.
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