    摘 要作为迷惘的一代的代表,海明威用笔描述了那个时代人们的共同感受。他们厌恶战争,对死亡充满着恐惧,他的一生写了多部长篇小说,《太阳照常升起》是他的第一部也是最好的一部作品。在《太阳照常升起》中海明威向人们揭示了一个混乱的世界,表面上看他仅仅描述的是人们所过的痛苦虚无的生活,实际还有更深的含义。他准确地抓住了第一次世界大战之后出现的“迷茫的一代”的特点。通过对主人公的描写,反映了当时人们彷徨无依,孤独苦闷的心理。本文的目的在于通过这样的研究,帮助读者更好地理解海明威,同时能够更好地欣赏这部小说。35239
    Abstract As the representative of the Lost Generation, in his writing Hemingway describes people’s common feelings and emotions at that time. They hate the war and fear the death. In The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway tells a chaos world. The ostensible, what he describes is only the people painful and empty life, but in fact this has deep meanings. The novel tells the lives of the members of who called the Lost Generation, the group whose lives were devoured by World WarⅠ. The Lost Generation who experienced the war became mentally and morally lost, whose beliefs in the traditional values were destabilized. Aimlessness and immorally spiritual salvation entirely tormented them. This paper mainly elaborates on the characteristics of the Lost Generation in The Sun Also Rises from the perspective of character analysis.
    Key words: the Lost Generation; tragic thought; Modernism
    A Study on the Themes The Sun Also Rises From the Existentialism
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Themes of The Sun Also Rises---Lost Generations    2
    2.1 The Background of the Lost Generations    2
    2.2 Lost Generations in The Sun Also Rises    4
    III. Existentialism in The Sun Also Rises    6
    IV. The Relationship Between the Main Characters and the Themes in The Sun Also Rises    8
    4.1 Jake Barnes: a Hero in Tragedy    8
    4.2 Lady Brett Ashley: Lack of Spiritual Ballast    11
    4.3 Robert Cohn: a Man Being Mocked    12
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgements    16
    I.    Introduction
    Ernest Miller Hemingway (1899-1961) is one of the most famous and influential American novelists, writers and essayists of the twentieth century, whose deceptively novels style have influence the literature of both America and the whole world. Ernest Hemingway won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954. But because he was not recuperating from injuries in airplane crash while hunting in Uganda, so he could not attend the award ceremony in Stockholm. His works have been published more than thirty-five language in the world. Besides, he creates the Hemingway style with critical, unique skill and dramatic intensity of vision.
    Born in the morning on July 21 1899, in a suburban village of Oak park, Illinois, a common family. Ernest Miller Hemingway was a myth in his own time, mostly because of his colorful life. He owned a literary reputation in the twentieth century that in his almost sixty two years life. To do so, he worked hard and lived a different life. He also created many mythological hero in his paper that captivated land at times confounded. Not only in many literary but the average men as well. In short, he was a great man and a star.
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