
    毕业论文关键词:金陵判词     修辞手法     接受者反映     功能对等
    Abstract  .i        
    摘   要 .iii
    Chapter One
       1.1 Research Background .1
    1.2 Significance of the Study .2
    1.3 The Structure of the thesis.3
    Chapter Two
    Literature Review5
      2.1 Studies at Home 5
      2.2 Studies Abroad 7
    Chapter Three
    The Theoretical Basis.9
    3.1 An Overview of Rhetorical Devices in Jinling Prophecies9
     3.1.1 Metaphor .10
    3.1.2 Allusion  .11
    3.1.3 Pun .12
    3.1.4 Rebus .13
    3.2 The Functional Equivalence Theory14
    Chapter Four
    Comparison of the Translation of Rhetorical Devices in the Two Versions
       4.1 The Translators and Their Versions16
      4.2 A General Appreciation of Two Versions in Light of the Functional Equivalence Theory.17
         4.2.1 Yang’s Focus on Formal Equivalence.17
         4.2.2 David Hawkes’s Focus on Functional Equivalence18
      4.3 Translation Strategies Showed in Specific Writing Devices19
         4.3.1 Metaphor20
      4.3.3 Allusion.23
      4.3.4 Rebus.25
      4.4 Summary26
    Chapter Five
      5.1 Major Findings.28
      5.2 Limitations.28
      5.3 Suggestions for Further Research.29
    A Comparative Study of the Translation of Rhetorical Devices in Jinling Prophecies
      Chapter One    Introduction
     1.1 Research Background
      The most impressive and powerful part of a literature work lies mostly in its writing devices. A good command of writing techniques will evoke people’s inner emotion, making readers talk with the author. Hong Lou Meng, a masterpiece of Cao Xueqin, covers various writing devices, especially rhetorical devices. In Jinling Prophecies, Cao wrote 13 short but concise poets describing fortunes of women in the novel. The extent without the employment of rhetorical devices. C. Brooks and E.P Warren once in their book Modern Rhetorics said about the definition of rhetorical devices: “Rhetoric is a kind of art which deals with how to manipulate language effectively.” (cited in Lv, 2004, p. 3).Therefore, to study a literary work, we must take a look at its rhetorical devices. Good employment of rhetorical devices can arouse readers’ imagination and interest, and express the main idea more expressively.
    The more effect it achieves through the use of writing devices, the more successful the work will be. And the translation of the work should try to achieve the same effect as well. Traditionally, the standard of evaluating a translation lies in its form of message, but the author thinks we should pay more attention to the effect it conveys. Since only the work that can evoke emotion can be counted a good one. Thus, the translation of rhetorical devices in a work is of vital importance. And in Nida’s eyes,  
    translating should pay attention to the target receptors. He put forward his famous academic term “dynamic equivalence” in the book named The theory and Practice of Translation. That is, “in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptors in the source language”(Nida, 1969, p. 24). The task of a translator is to achieve the same effect the original receptor to the source text. However, translation must manage to overcome the differences between two languages and two cultures. It is rather difficult to preserve the exact meaning of the source text that intends to convey to readers. However, the functional equivalence theory focuses on receptors’ response. It doesn’t evaluate a translation mainly according to its form of message. Guided by such a theory, translators can alter their strategies in order to serve the receptors. They can avoid translating some coined sentence or phrases and be more native. Therefore, this theory is quite applicable when talking about this topic. However, whether trying to be more native or preserve original culture or traces, it is both acceptable.
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