    摘 要情景教学法由英国学者Homby首先创立并提出并于20世纪30年代到60年代盛行于英国。70年代后期该教学法引入中国。本研究首先分析了我国小学英语教学现状。然后,介绍了情景教学法的优缺点及实施情景教学法的原则。最后,结合我国教学实际,探讨了如何在小学英语教学中实施情景教学。通过自然班和实验班的对比研究,证明了本研究所提出的实施情景教学法的原则是科学的、可行的、高效的。本研究对培养学生的英语学习兴趣,提高小学英语的教学效率具有重要的意义。36532
    Abstract The situational teaching method was firstly founded and created by British scholar Homby and prevailed in British 1930s to 1960s. In the late 1970s, this teaching method was introduced to China. Firstly, this paper analyzes the current situation of primary school English teaching in China. Then, it introduces the advantages and disadvantages of situational teaching and the principles of implementing situational teaching method. Finally, according to the pritical teaching in China, this paper discusses how to implement situational teaching in primary school English teaching. Through the comparison of natural and exprerimental classes, it is proved that the principles of implementing the situational teaching method in this paper is scientific, feasible and efficient. This research has a great significance in cultivating students’ interest in learning English and improving the teaching efficiency of primary school English.
    Key words: situational teaching method; primary school English teaching; application
     Application of Situational Teaching for Primary School English Teaching
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. An Overview of the Situational Teaching Method    2
    2.1 The Definition and Development of the Situational Teaching    2
    2.2 The Theoretical Basis of Situational Teaching    3
    2.3 The Necessity of the Situational Teaching Method    4
    III. The Advantages and Difficulties of the Situational Teaching    5
    3.1 The Advantages of Applying Situational Teaching in Primary School English    5
    3.2 The Difficulties of Applying Situational Teaching    8
    IV. Application of Situational Teaching in the Primary School English Classroom.    10
    4.1 Matters in the Application of Situational Teaching Method    10
    4.1.1 Preparation of Each Lesson    10
    4.1.2 The Relationship Between Teachers and Students...............................    10
    4.1.3 Teachers’ Attitudes Toward Errors in Teaching    11
    4.2 Principles of Creating Teaching Situation    12
    4.3 The Ways to Apply Situational Teaching    13
    4.3.1 Makes Full Use of Visual Aid    13
    4.3.2 Using Body Language    14
    4.3.3 By Using Games Rich Classroom Teaching    14
    4.3.4 By Using Multimedia Courseware to Assist Teaching    15
    V. Conclusion    16
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgments    18        

    With the informatization of social life and economic globalization of the whole world, English is becoming more and more important. Many countries begin to place much emphasis on the course of English and place in increasingly prominent position in the Basic Development Strategy Education, which also includes China.
    As we all know, since junior high school, English course has regarded as a required course and a must for the College Entrance Examination. Moreover, it is also a basic compulsory course for many colleges and high school graduates in the test to require the qualification for their dream universities. Since we step into twenty-first Century, the Ministry of Education has paid more attention to the process of the English learning. That is to say, in 2001, the document “the Ministry of education to promote English language courses in primary schools guidance” gathered that starting English course in the primary school is one of the prominent ideas in the Basic Education Curriculum Reform.
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