    摘 要兴趣是最好的老师,也是学好语言的关键,因此激发小学生学习英语的兴趣是小学英语教学的重要任务。通过对小学英语课堂的观察,和对相关文献资料的梳理,作者发现小学英语趣教学法有一定的优越性,但也存在着不足。在本文中,作者探究了如何构建小学英语趣课堂,和对小学英语趣课堂的反省,并针对其中的问题,提出了解决办法。英语教学根据学生的心理特点,有助于调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,从而来提高教学效率和学生成绩。同时,在教学过程中,根据学生的心理、生理特点,添加适当的活动,可以帮助学生形成正确的学习方法和良好的学习习惯,让小学生在英语面前更容易的学习,从而适应素质教育的要求。40711
    Abstract Interest is the best teacher and the key to learn a language well, so stimulating students’ interests in learning English is the most important task in primary school English teaching. Through the observation in English classroom, based on interviewing for English teachers, and the literature carding, the author found that English interesting teaching in primary school has certain advantages, but there are also some shortcomings. In this paper, the author explored how to construct interesting English teaching in primary school, and reflection about it. In view of the problems, the author put forward some ideas on the subject. To teach according to the psychological characteristics of students may help to mobilize both the enthusiasm and initiative of students, so as to to improve teaching efficiency and then improve students’ achievement. Appropriate games added in the process of teaching according to the physical and psychological characteristics of students may help them form a correct learning methods and good learning habits. Therefore, it may make it simple for the pupils to learn English, and thus meet the requirements of quality education.
    Key words: primary English; interesting teaching; primary students
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Construction of Interesting Teaching Class of Primary School         English    2
     2.1 The Related Concept of Interesting Teaching Class    3
     2.2 Teaching Methods    4
      2.2.1 Enriching Teaching Contents    4
      2.2.2 Setting up Teaching Situation    5
     2.3 Activity Mode of Primary School English Interesting Teaching    6
      2.3.1 Creation of Relaxed Atmosphere    6
      2.3.2 Singing English Songs    6
      2.3.3 Experiential Learning Fun in Role Play Games    7
      2.3.4 Cultivating Students’ sense of Competition in Games    7
     2.4 Requirements for Teacher in Interesting English Teaching    8
      2.4.1 Ability of Organizing Game and Making Classroom Teaching Ordered.    8
      2.4.2 Sense of Humor    9
      2.4.3 Preparing Games Timely and Moderately    9
    III. Introspection of English Interesting Teaching    10
     3.1 Misunderstanding of English Interesting Teaching    10
      3.1.1 Cultivating Students’ Lasting Interest by “Playing Games”    10
      3.1.2 Regarding “Making Noise” as New Class Form    10
      3.1.3 Fragmented Teaching Content    11
     3.2 Necessary Principles Needed for Teachers    11
      3.2.1 Tamping Foundation Knowledge and Cultivating Students Lasting Interest    11
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