    AbstractCurrently, WeChat has been the most popular instant messaging tool, it wasbrought to market by Tencent company at the beginning of year 2011. In year 2016,the number of its users are still climbing upward, which has exceeded 900 million.WeChat marketing is a high-quality marketing network based on lots of functions andcustomers. WeChat marketing is a kind of innovative marketing mode which isproduced with the development ofWeChat technology.University students are the easiest ones to accept new products of science andtechnology. Furthermore, This group is often in the center ofWeChat's core marketing,playing a driving role in WeChat’s extension. Therefore, WeChat marketing needs toseize this group to expand other markets. We must understand which influentialfactors of WeChat have influenced customers’ minds and behaviors. Which is to studytheir attitudes to marketing modes and their participation in marketing activities.This paper selects university students in Jiangsu Normal University as theresearch objects, investigating their behaviors on WeChat marketing. The author doesresearch on factors of university students’ participation. By this empirical research,the author hopes to do some basic and exploratory work for future study on WeChat’sinfluential factors of consumer participation; at the same time, to help enterprises orpersonal sellers adjust their marketing strategy.41970
    KeyWords: WeChat marketing university students influential factors 
    摘 要微信是由腾迅公司于 2011 年初推向市场的目前应用最为时兴的即时通讯工具,在刚刚迈进的 2016年里依靠其前期奠定的基础,微信注册用户突破了 9亿。而微信营销就是基于微信的诸多功能和积聚起来的大量用户群而发展起来的优质的网络营销平台。 微信营销是在微信发展的基础上应运而生的一种新型的营销方式。大学生最容易接受科技产品、新生事物,在微信营销的细分市场中占据着比较大的市场份额;此外,大学生群体比较有活力,而且受到激烈的社会竞争的影响,他们也非常重视人际交往,往往处于微信营销的核心圈地位。因此,微信营销要紧抓大学生这个群体, 利用他们带动其他细分市场的拓展。 为达成这个目的,就必须了解有哪些微信营销影响因子对他们的思想和行为产生影响, 即研究哪些因素对他们的营销模式的态度以及微信营销活动的参与度产生影响。本文选取的调查研究对象为江苏师范大学的大学生群体, 通过对该学校大学生对微信营销的行为反应进行调查研究, 掌握他们对微信营销的了解程度和接收营销信息的情况,分析微信营销影响大学生参与其发布的营销活动的因素。通过本次实证研究, 为以后微信营销影响消费者参与度的研究做一定基础性和探索性工作的同时,希望为企业及个人的营销策略调整提供参考,为其今后的发展战略给予帮助。
    毕业论文关键词:微信营销 大学生 影响因子


    Abstract.. i

    摘要... ii

    Chapter One Introduction.1

    1.1 Research Background.1

    1.2 Research Significance.1

    1.3 Research Structure.. 2

    1.4 Research Objectives3

    1.5 Research Methods and Innovation Points.4

    Chapter Two Literature Review.. 5

    2.1 Consumer Behavior 5

    2.2 Online Consumer Behavior5


    2.4WeChat Marketing..8

    Chapter Three The Construction of the Model 10

    3.1 Consumer Behavior Model and Consumer Buying Behavior Model...10

    3.2 Research Variables12

    3.3 Establishment of the Research Model.14

    Chapter Four Questionnaire Design and Survey Analysis..16

    4.1 Research Contents and objects... 16

    4.2 Research Methods16

    4.3 Questionnaire Survey. 17

    4.4 Reliability Analysis... 18

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