
    1.1 Research BackgroundWith the further acceleration of globalization, the development of economypromotes the booming of advertisements. The fierce competition of market makesadvertisements vital means for sales promotion. According to the report, luxuryadvertisements have a great impact on consumers. Most consumers know and getfamiliar with the brand and luxury products by advertisements.And the translation ofadvertisements becomes the bridge connecting global markets. So the study oftranslation of advertisements exerts a great influence on international trade.
    1.2 Research Significance and PurposeThe translation of advertisements directly influences images of products inconsumers’ hearts, which will further have an impact on the trade of products andcooperation and communication of economies. As statistics show that China has beenthe second largest consuming market of luxury products due to the rapid developmentof economy. China has a great potential in market demand and lays a soundfoundation for its development, attracting more and more foreign companies whichproduce luxury products to come to China. And translation of advertisements plays an important role in attracting consumers. A study on the translation of luxuryadvertisements not only helps us get knowledge of the role of advertisementtranslation of attracting customers, but also makes contributions to the cross-culturalcommunication. We can also get a better understanding of translation of the twolanguages from the perspective of domestication.
    1.3 Thesis StructureThis paper consists of five chapters.Chapter one introduces background information, research significance and theoverall structure of the paper.Chapter two includes a general review of researches on the translation of luxuryadvertisements at home and abroad.Chapter three is methodology. In this part, the author first introduces thetranslation strategy of domestication. Then he raises three questions which will bediscussed afterwards. The author uses three methods including case-study, literatureresearch, analyses when doing note-taking and analyzing the translation ofadvertisements of luxury products.Chapter four is the main part of the paper. The author first presents the definitionand features of luxury and then introduces the functions and linguistic features ofadvertisements of luxury products. The author then analyzes several examples oftranslation of luxury advertisements from the perspective of domestication.Chapter five is the conclusion part of the thesis, which includes major findings, limitations as well as the recommendations for the further research.

  1. 上一篇:英文论文目的论英语纪录片《美丽中国》字幕翻译
  2. 下一篇:英语论文《红楼梦》亲属称谓的英译
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