
    Acknowledgments   I’m so excited to stand here to defense my thesis. I here by sincerely extent my gratitude to all of those who have helped me with the completion of my thesis. Firstly, I’d like to express my genuine gratitude to my supervisor, Ma Xian, for all her inspiring ideas and kind help throughout the process of my thesis writing. Without her helpful suggestions, guidance and patience, the completion of this thesis would not have been possible.44232

    Secondly, my thanks also go to my fellow classmates and friends who have rendered me their generous help and support. Also, I am particularly grateful to my parents for their strong support and deep care given to me during the process of my thesis writing. What’s more, I’m deeply indebted to the authors mentioned in the references, whose academic researches have given me a great deal of inspiration.

    Conciliation of the Mother-daughter Relationship in The Joy Luck Club from a Cross-cultural Perspective

    Abstract Since the mid-20th century , a lot of Chinese American writers sprung up in American literary world. Amy Tan, a Chinese American writer, won great reputation after the publication of her first piece of work The Joy Luck Club in 1989, which became very popular among readers. The Joy Luck Club introduces the life of four Chinese mothers who immigrated to America after suffering a lot in China, and the conflicts and contradictions between the mothers and their American-born daughters. The novel’s success lies in the incisive manifestations of the collision and fusion between Chinese and American cultures, which relies on the interaction and changes of relationship between the four mothers and daughters, under the background of cross-cultural communications. To a certain degree, the four pairs of mothers and daughters in The Joy Luck Club represent Chinese and American cultures respectfully. This thesis aims to analyze the change of the mother-daughter relationship in The Joy Luck Club and explore the collision and integration between Chinese and American cultures reflected in the two generations from the cross-cultural perspective. The thesis will also investigate the historical reasons for the formations of the two cultures, and point out that the existence of differences between different cultures is inevitable due to the nations’ historical background, which is also the source leading to the conflicts between different cultures.

    Key words: cross-culture; mother-daughter relationship; conciliation; conflict and fusion


    摘  要二十世纪中期以后,美国文坛逐渐涌现了一大批华裔作家。美国华裔女作家谭恩美的处女作《喜福会》,1989年一经出版便受到了广泛读者的喜爱,并获得许多奖项。《喜福会》介绍了四位历经苦难的中国母亲们移民美国后的生活,以及她们与在美国出生成长的女儿们之间的冲突和矛盾。《喜福会》一书的成功在于其对跨文化交际背景下,中美两种文化的碰撞与交融的淋漓尽致的展现,而这种展现,依托于四对母女之间的互动和关系变化。所以在一定程度上`优尔|文\论*文-网www.youerw.com,《喜福会》中四对母女正是中美文化的一种象征。本文将从跨文化视角出发,研究谭恩美小说《喜福会》中母女关系的转变,并进一步探究母女两代人关系变化所折射的中美文化的碰撞与融合论文网。同时,本文也将研究中美文化形成的历史原因,进一步指出国家历史背景的不同必然会导致其各自文化之间存在差异,这也是不同文化之间会产生冲突的根源所在。




    Chapter I Cross-culture Revealed in the Mother-daughter Relationship........4

    1.Cross-cultural Identity.4     

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