
    1.1 Background of the study
    Textbook, as one of the most important learning materials, are a vital aspect of the education reform.A good textbook is not only the main method of conveying knowledge to students,but also the basement of achieving perfect teaching effects for the teachers.
    The German educator Aitbach(1994) has said:"there is an extremely small amount of research on textbooks in developed country ,but in developing country, there is even no research on textbooks". His words generally point out the condition of the textbooks in modern time: a delaying and unbalance of the establishment of textbooks . Therefore, the establishment and reform of the textbook compiling system seems more important in such a new period.
    The purpose of the research is to analyze the “reader-friendliness" principle in Chinese and American textbooks ,which will be beneficial for college students .
    The research questions are as follows:
    What is reader-friendly principle?
    How is it utilized in textbook compiling?
    What is the effect of the use of "reader-friendly"principle?
    What is the shortcoming of the domestic economic textbooks in chart analysis?
    How should we give some suggestions to improve the quality of the domestic economic textbooks?

    1.2 Structure of the thesis
    This thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter One introduces the research background and the structure of the thesis. Also, five research questions are put forward in this chapter. Chapter Two starts with definitions of the key concepts, namely textbook,principles of compiling textbooks, "reader-friendliness" principle as well as figures and texts, followed by a review of previous studies on textbooks and "reader-friendliness" principle. Chapter Three describes the theoretical frameworks , including semiotics and multimodal discourse.
     Chapter four explains the microscopic and macroscopic methodology .Chapter five describes the research findings based on comparisons of the domestic and foreign economics textbooks. Chapter six puts forward some suggestions which are helpful to the improvements of the domestic textbooks.
    2.Literature review
    2.1 Concept of Textbooks
    The textbook is a concept that changes overtime. Experts in the field of textbook compiling have carried out discussions on it and have put forward their points of view. The textbook is a method to convey teaching contents(Bruner 1982). It is a method of conveying concepts ( Dale 1949). It is important not only because of the contents and knowledge it conveys, but also because it is a method to convey information for understanding. Therefore, it should undertake the task of guiding the students to learn by themselves. Textbooks are something they have to get on well with in their learning.(Danilof  1962)

    2.2 Principles of Textbook Compiling
    When compiling textbooks,experts have concluded a lot of principles. which include mang things, like goal-orientedness and characteristics.These principles direct the target ,characteristic and effects teachers expect to have on students. And principles of compiling textbooks should catch up with the innovation of knowledge, concept and teaching methods so as to reflect the latest achievements of textbook development and the latest standard of textbook compiling, which will satisfy the need of a changing time(Li Quan 2009). The textbook compiler should establish an institution to ensure the realization of its function, and evaluate learning achievements in time(Skinner 2007) .Organizers of textbooks should think more of characteristics of the subject and the ability of the students,and a good textbook should show the core and the most fundamental concept, and then enlarge width and depth of its contents( Comenius 2007). Textbooks should be based on our lives,and the range a textbook covers should be widened.And also,the compiling of a  
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