
    摘 要词类转换指的是某一个单词在不改变其形态的前提下,从一个词类转换成另一个词类。这一直是国内外语言学家研究的热门话题,更是英汉翻译的重要方法之一。通常情况下,翻译英语的时候很难将词语的词性一一对应。所以,为了在英汉翻译的时候保障句子的通顺合理,在不改变英文原义的前提下,应该恰当的转换英语词语的词性。本论文采用了定性方法和定量方法进行研究,对词类转换在英语翻译中的技巧进行描述和阐释,并总结归纳出了比较系统的词类转换技巧。研究结果有助于解决英汉翻译中的一些困难,提高译文的质量。50211


    Abstract Word conversion refers to the phenomenon that one certain word class can be directly used as another word class without any form change of the original word. It has always been a hot topic in linguistics research at home and abroad and plays a significant role as an important method in English-Chinese translation. Generally speaking, it is hard to achieve one-to-one correspondence of word class in the process of translation. Therefore, word conversion should be used to make the translation more fluent and reasonable without changing the meaning of the original sentence. By using qualitative method and quantitative method to explain different cases, this paper presents the comparative systematic skills of word conversion. The research results help translators deal with some difficulties in English-Chinese translation so as to improve the quality of translation.

    Key words: word conversion; English-Chinese translation; skills

    On the Skills of Word Conversion in English-Chinese Translation


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. On Word Conversion 2

    2.1 Definition of Word Conversion 2

    2.2 Research on Word Conversion 3

    III.The Problems in English-Chinese Translation 4

    IV. Skills of Word Conversion in English-Chinese Translation 6

    4.1 The Conversion of English Nouns 6

    4.2 The Conversion of English Verbs 9

    4.3 The Conversion of English Adjectives 10

    4.4 The Conversion of English Adverbs 13

    4.5 The Conversion of English Prepositions 15

    V. Conclusion 16

    Bibliography 18

    Acknowledgements 19

    I. Introduction

    Word conversion is one significant method in English-Chinese translation. Eugene A. Nida, the American translation theorist, holds that “Translation consists in the reproduction in the receptor language of the message of the source language in such a way that the receptors in the receptor language may be able to understand adequately how the original receptor of the source language understood the original message”(Nida 10). So how to seek the equivalence becomes the important step in the process of “reproduction”. There is no doubt that it refers to the conversion of word class.

    There are so many excellent translation theorists. Linguistics and scholars have made great contribution on this study and received great achievements. Even though some studies has been made, those are still far from enough yet, for nothing has been done for researching concrete examples and summarizing systematic techniques of word-class shift. Based on the collected references, the author, far from being knowledgeable and experienced in related theories and practices, is trying her best in this paper to describe and explain the conversion by analyzing examples and learning from literature, hoping to contribute a little bit the relevant researches. 

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