


    Abstract With the increasing communications between Chinese and western countries, overcoming the cultural differences has become an imminent problem. Due to the influence of cultural differences, the words both in English and Chinese have different cultural connotations in their own culture, so do animal words. Literature analysis method is adopted to analyze and comb the relevant research literature at home and abroad in this thesis. By analyzing the reasons of cultural differences between Chinese and western countries and its impact on the translation of animal words both in English and Chinese, the conclusion can be drawn as follows. Only people have a good knowledge of the cultural differences of animal words both in Chinese and English, understand the western culture and accurately translate animal words both in English and Chinese, can they avoid communicative misunderstandings and carry on our cross-cultural communications without obstacles. 

    Key words: cultural differences; animal words; translation; impact


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I. Introduction 1

    II. Language and Culture 3

     2.1 The Concept of language and Culture 3

     2.2 The Relationship Between Language and Culture 4

    III. The Reasons of Cultural Differences 5

     3.1 The Influence of Religion 5

     3.2 The Influence of History 7

     3.3 The Influence of Geographical Environment 8

     3.4 The Influence of Customs 9

    IV. Basic Methods of Translating Animal Words 10

     4.1 The Literal Translation 10

     4.2 The Liberal Translation 11

     4.3 Figure of Speech 11

     4.4 The Method of Borrowing Synonym 11

     4.5 The Method of Adding or Removing Animal Words 12

     4.6 The Method of Verbifying 12

    V. Conclusion 12

    Bibliography 15

    Acknowledgments 16

    The Impact of Cultural Differences on the Translation of Animal Words Both in English and Chinese

    I. Introduction

    It is known that animals are good friends to human. They play an important role in the existence and development of human society. Therefore, people always have all kinds of feelings to animals. In the meantime, people often use words of animals to give expression of their feelings in their daily life. As a result, there are a number of words relating to animals both in Chinese and the western cultures (Lin 168-169). However, animal words have different cultural connotations in Chinese and the western cultures due to the influence of religion, history, geographical environment and customs. Thus, with the increasing communications between Chinese and the western countries, overcoming the cultural differences has become an imminent problem.

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