
     Knowing the differences of dietary culture between China and America helps people avoid unnecessary misunderstandings when they communicate with each other, which can help know more about eastern and western culture. In addition, People can also have a good chance to travel to any country they like. Travel may also be a good help to the communication of the Chinese and American cultures. Now we will find the dietary culture differences between China and America in the following parts.

    II. Comparison of Chinese and American Dietary Culture

    2.1. Dietary Idea

    Different countries have different culture, and their dietary culture ideas are quite different, such as China and America.

        Chinese dietary ideas are as follows.

    There is an old saying in ancient times, “Food is people’s prime want.” We can figure out the value of diet in people’s heart. They regard the pursuit of food as the highest pursuit in life. China’s recipe has been spread around the world. All things that could be eaten can be cooked in different ways in China. According to research, the species of vegetables in China are six times more than those in western countries. During the process of cooking, Chinese people pay more attention to taste than its nutrition. From this aspect, we can come to a conclusion that Chinese people are sensible, and they have put the importance of dietary into the level of art. When they have a dinner, they always sit around the table and use chopsticks to get food respectively, which reflects the idea of “he” in classical Chinese philosophy and throws light on the value of Confucian culture, which is collective consciousness.源!自`优尔~文)论(文]网[www.youerw.com

    Here are American dietary ideas.

        America is a quite developed country, so American people have a strong sense of time. Therefore, they pursue quality rather than quantity, and they tend to choose nutritious and scientifically matched foods to eat. Also, as long as the food is healthy enough to resist diseases, they care little about other things. They hold the view that eating is just a way to stay healthy. No matter what they want to eat, no matter how simple the dinner is, they focus their attention on their nutrition, and always are of negligence of their taste.

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