
    A family education usually includes all kinds of aspects, such as a moral education and a financial education. But in each aspect, there are differences in different countries. Next, the author compares some detailed contents between Chinese and American family education. In this paper, the writer mainly discusses the education of the children. 

    2. Literature Review 源'自:优尔-'论/文'网"www.youerw.com

    China and America have many distinctions in their respective cultures. Among those distinctions, family education is the most obvious one. From the Different Family Education in China and America, we know that Chinese students have a well-established learning foundation and a good self-discipline since Chinese parents pay more attentions on kids’ intelligence quotient. However, Chinese family education also has short-comings. To start with, the spoiled raising method, which means parents always satisfy wishes of kids. In temporary society, “boomerang child”, “strawberry generation”, and “child slave” become high frequency words that used to describe Chinese parents. Besides, parents only emphasize on intelligence quotient and ignore the emotional quotient completely. Spending a lot of time on intelligence quotient and ignoring the emotion aspects, many children in China are delicate. And what’s more, parents usually tell their kids to follow disciplines and traditions. And to American method of family education, there are also many positive and negative aspects. American parents know the importance of emotional quotient, so they coordinate the emotional quotient with intelligence quotient. Thus, children can have a comprehensive development. So we often see that parents advise children to attend more sports activities, social works, or go to the church, from which children can perceive the spirit of competition, cooperation, and moral outlook. (Xue Yaxuan, 2008: 147) Moreover, from the The Cross-culture Research between China and America on Family Education, American parent prefer to cultivate the initiative, creation and leadership of their kids, rather than persuade them to follow traditions. (Wang Zihan, 2013: 230) Hence, in order to have a better systematic way to raise children, Chinese parents and American parents can draw lessons from each other. Of course, besides those merits of American family education, it has defects. On the one hand, parents give a lot of choices to children; which means children may have less self-discipline because he or she knows there always another way to help them to escape from a hard situation. On the other hand, to the contrary of Chinese students, American students’ learning foundation is not that firm. In modern society, with the help of lots of scholars, family education has already permeated into various aspects of human life.

     Every day, parents have to confront it. And the differences between Chinese and American family education can call forth more and more people to concern how to improve family education. So in order to build a better family education method, as aforementioned, we should combine the two aspects to improve the family education.

    3. Similarities of Family Education between China and America

    3.1 Importance of Family Education

    Regardless of the homeland and nationality, everyone admits the fact that family is a person’s first school, and parents are the first teacher. Either China or Western countries, either the ancient times or the modern times, family education is always in the most fundamental position. As we know, if you have good family education, you will have a better basis. Moreover, family education is also a very important aspect. Family education can develop us a lot of good quality and can be a good foundation for the accepting education in the future. In a word, family education accounted for a very important position in the child’s life and is cannot be ignored.

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