Abstract Although we have learned English for many years and even taken part in countless examinations, we often fail in communicating with native speakers for a variety of reasons. Then, how can we reduce these pragmatic failures and enhance students’ pragmatic competence?61263

This thesis explores some typical cases of socio-pragmatic failures which naturally and frequently happen to Chinese students in the process of speaking English, thus revealing the negative influence of socio-pragmatic failures on the cross-cultural communication and the imperative to strengthen their pragmatic competence. Therefore, the author points out the significance of improving Chinese students’ English cultural awareness, cultivating their cross-cultural competence, and transforming teachers’ roles in classes, and offers some practical solutions as a remedy for pragmatic failure.

Key words: Chinese student; cross-cultural communication; socio-pragmatic failure; pragmatic competence




1. Introduction1

2. Literature Review..2

3. The Case Study of Socio-pragmatic Failure of Chinese Students.............3

3.1 Case study 13

3.2 Case study 2 ...............4

3.3 Case study 3............................5

3.4 Case study 46

3.5 Case study 56

3.5 Case study 67

4. The Causes of Socio-pragmatic Failure of Chinese Students ...7

4.1 Different traditions and taboos7

4.2 Different thinking patterns and values8

4.2 Improper teaching techniques.........9

5. Strategies for Reducing Socio-pragmatic Failure of Chinese Students......9

5.1 Improving students’ English cultural awareness.............................................9 

5.2 Cultivating learners’ cross-cultural communicative competence.................10

5.3 The transformation of teachers’ roles in communicative teaching...............11

6. Conclusion.12

Works Cited...13

 1. Introduction 

It’s known to us all that the ultimate goal of English language teaching is to cultivate students’ communicative competence. In other words, it means the various abilities they have to choose appropriate linguistic forms under different circumstance, and the most representative one is the capacity to apply them to cross-cultural communication. 

With the rapid development of technology and economy, global village is becoming into reality. The communication among different countries is getting more and more frequent. Thus, it is important to enhance Chinese students’ ability to communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds.源:自'优尔.·论,文;网·www.youerw.com/

However, appropriate cross-cultural communication is difficult to achieve. Many factors may result in the breaking down of the interactions, and one of its fatal causes is pragmatic failure. Thus, it is worth exploring the causes of pragmatic failure. Many researchers, such as, British linguist Jenny Thomas, scholars He Qiran and Yan Zhuang from our country have already made many studies on it. However, few of them have ever done researches on Chinese students’ socio-pragmatic failure, not mention to provide any elaborate strategies to deal with it. 

















