1.2.Importance of This Study
This study originates from my visit in Toronto University in 2013, when I got a chance to be an exchange student. At first, I was confident enough to deal with all the things in Toronto.But it ended that I failed in communication with my teachers in Toronto University as well as with the homestay family, which confused me that why so many so-called good English learners can’t make them understood when in real context. In fact, it is a common phenomenon that the English learners may master the language points well,but they have difficulties in interpreting the utterances correctly in authentic communication situations. But seldom will this problem come into public attention. As a result, I conducted this case study so as to raise the awareness of both teachers and students.
1.3.Structure of This Study源:自'优尔.·论,文;网·www.youerw.com/
This dissertation is structurally pided into six chapters. In the first chapter, the paper gives an introduction on the research background and the importance of this case study. The second chapter, literature review, offers a definition of pragmatic failure and introduces the types of pragmatic failure. What’s more, chapter two also sketches some related researches. Chapter three goes on research methodology that presents the study questions, participants and instruments. Chapter four will have an overall analysis of the collecting data. Chapter five will present the study findings. In the last chapter, a series of suggestions on will be offered based on the discussion and findings in previous chapters.