A Culinary Adventure, which is a four-part British documentary television series that aired on BBC Two. Chefs Ken Hom and Ching He Huang, both Chinese food specialists, describing their travels through China and the recipes and personal stories they find there. Hom and Huang travel to Sichuan Province, Beijing and on to the Silk Road, Kashgar. They travel around China, seeing and introducing a lot of delicious food with pleasure. Not only do they introduce food but also they cook similar food to compare with traditional Chinese food. Because they both chefs, they cook food on their own way. Beside common Chinese food, they look for some special foods, such as the head of rabbit. BBC always has good rate. However, this program's rating is not very good. Despite the fact that it doesn’t receive a great success like A Bite of China, it still makes a great contribution to China, which makes a plenty of people know Chinese food and Chinese culture.源:自'优尔.·论,文;网·www.youerw.com/

2. Literature Review

The documentary A Bite of China is on CCTV-1’s night shift on May 14, 2012.This is a documentary that records thousand years of Chinese precipitation down the catering culture primarily. Since the first program began, it has received wide attention and discussion from all orders of society. And a lot of people started the research of this program. But just a few people studied it from communication theory. Someone said that A bite of China has not jump out “eat” this traditional concept from a subjective as a documentary of catering culture as the starting point. Nevertheless, the classification becomes more inclusive. Broaden thinking, and broken the regional style of cooking partition before the previous section of mesh, films instead of starting point of from different culture. Three parts have been played, using such as collection, staple food differences, processing evolution. each set of field covers more broad, from ZhaGan lakes fishing to south China sea fishermen, from Shandong pancakes to Xinjiang KaoNang, from brine bean curd to bridge meter, macro field span to reflect more vast land food culture’s difference and coexistence.(Wang Yujin,2012)

No one studied it from the differences between A Bite of China and Exploring China: A Culinary Adventure. They studied it from what the effect of this program and how can we let foreigners learn China better. Just few people watched A Culinary Adventure. There are still many people even didn’t know this program. I watched it by chance, finding this program is also very good. There are many differences between these two programs. And in this paper I will study Chinese culture and history thoroughly. Then I will make some conclusions from Chinese culture. I will also tell the differences between China and the West.

















