    摘 要 电影字幕翻译作为一个新兴领域,正在引起越来越多人的关注。为了使外国观众更好地理解华语电影,众多学者致力于电影字幕翻译的探索与研究。以往相关研究主要集中在研究时空限制对字幕翻译的影响、与多媒体翻译相关联的字幕翻译策略、字幕翻译的标准化等方面。本文以《非诚勿扰》作为个案研究对象,从翻译目的论的视角来研究电影字幕翻译,通过大量实例提出目的论指导下电影字幕翻译的具体策略,希望有助于国内电影字幕翻译方面的研究。关键词: 字幕翻译;目的论;非诚勿扰;翻译策略8454
    Abstract  As a new field of translation, study of film subtitle translation is attracting more and more attention. To make the foreign audience understand Chinese films better, many scholars dedicated to the  research on movie subtitle translation. The previous research mainly focused on time and space constraints, strategies related to multimedia translation and standardization of subtitle translation. This paper attempts to analyze, from the perspective of Skopostheorie factors influencing strategies adopted in subtitle translation. By taking the film If You Are the One as a case study, this paper conducts a study on film subtitle translation from the perspective of Skopostheorie. It proposes some specific strategies of film subtitle translation with concrete examples under the guidance of Skopostheorie, in the hope of being helpful to domestic studies on film subtitle translation.
    Key words: subtitle translation; Skopostheorie; If  You  Are  t he  One ; translation strategies

    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Definition and Lingusitic Features of Film Subtitle    2
    2.1 The Definition of FilmSubtitle...............    2
    2.2 The Linguistic features of Film Subtitle    2
    2.2.1 Brevity    2
    2.2.2 Colloquialism    3
    2.2.3 Synchronization    3
    III. Theoretical Basis—Skopostheorie    4
    3.1 A Brief Introduction to Skopostheorie    4
    3.2 Three Rules of Skopostheorie    5
    3.2.1 Skopos Rule    5
    3.2.2 Coherence Rule    6
    3.2.3 Fidelity Rule    7
    3.3 The Enlightenments of Skopostheorie on Film Subtitle Translation    7
    IV. Subtitle Translation Strategies in Light of Skopostheorie    8
    4.1 A Brief Introduction of the Film If You Are the One    8
    4.2 Subtitle Translation Strategies of If You Are the One in Light of Skopostheorie    9
    4.2.1 Literal Translation    9
    4.2.2 Adaptation    9
    4.2.3 Omission    10
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    13
    Acknowledgments    15
    On Subtitle Translation of If You Are the One from the Perspective of Skopostheorie
    I. Introduction
       With the development of China’s economy and its opening up to the world, intercultural communication has become more and more frequent. Film subtitle translation plays an important role in cultural exchanges, but the movie’s subtitle translation are not fully understood by the audience, therefore, it can not achieve the intended purpose of the director, so studying film subtitle translation is necessary. In line with the tend of social development, but also conducive to the development of Chinese and Western cultures, which is more conducive to social progress. Thus we may be clear about how to resolve the conflicts and problems triggered by the differences of language habits and avoid communication obstacles, so that we can eventually communicate smoothly and successfully.
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