
    On abroad, in the past 50 years, with the growing status of China, there are more and more learners of Chinese around the world. Especially in the recent decade, Chinese teaching has been on a rapid rise in many countries and regions. In order to support Chinese teaching abroad, the government of China has sent teachers of Chinese to more 70 countries for 1100 person-times from 1952 to 1999. More than 300 teachers of Chinese have been sent abroad in different ways each year. In addition, the government also invites prestigious teachers of Chinese and foreign sinologists to visit China to have a short-term academic exchanges, and organizes professional training classes for the teachers of Chinese abroad, and donates Chinese books and textbooks to foreign colleges. In 1988, the World Chinese Language Teaching Society was established with 258 members. The number of the members has grown to 957 in 1999, among which 564 come from 41 foreign countries and regions. The Society has held 6 international symposiums on Chinese teaching, the first five of which were held in China, and the sixth was held in Germany in 1999, the first time ever in a foreign country. In 1993, under the support of the Government of China, the Moscow Chinese Center, the first overseas Chinese center, was established. Up to 1999, there are 5 overseas Chinese centers. As of December, 2012, 400 Confucius Institutes and more than 500 Confucius classes have been established in 108 countries. Confucius Institutes and Classrooms have registered 655,000 students around the world. Among the top 200 universities, there are 70 universities have Confucius Institutes.  Further, more than 400 universities are bidding for establishing Confucius Institutes.

    This paper makes the introduction of TCFL, it generally discussed the mandarin teaching methods in American school. And it compared translating Chinese into English with translating English to Chinese, making a conclusion about the relationship between TCFL and cross-cultural communication.

    The cultivation of cross-cultural awareness for both teachers and students is showed in this paper. This paper discussed the relationship between language and culture and then points out the importance of the cultivation of cross-cultural awareness in language teaching and learning. The paper points out that both the language points and the cultural knowledge should be taught in language teaching and should be imparted at the same time. In addition to the paper analyses the cultural barriers in the language communication and presents the readers many ways of teaching culture in language teaching, which is of great significance to cultivating students’ communicative ability and promoting our Chinese teaching.
  1. 上一篇:目的论视角下《非诚勿扰》的字幕翻译研究
  2. 下一篇:舞龙舞狮运动英语翻译的文化解读
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