    摘 要在不同文化背景下,人们对于动物的象征意义有着不同的理解。以龙为例,中西方国家的人们对龙的内涵有着截然不同的认识。中国人视龙为吉祥之物,并有“龙的传人”之称,而西方人眼里的龙是一种非常邪恶的,会给人类带来灾难的恶魔。如果我们不弄清楚这些差异,很可能会在中西方语言文化交流中造成误解和障碍。本文将中西方对龙内涵的阐释进行了对比分析,探究了导致中西方龙文化差异的原因,并针对跨文化交际中可能存在的问题提出了解决方法,希望对中西方龙文化的研究与交流起到一定的促进作用。8561
    关键词: 龙;中西文化;差异
    Abstract  Under different cultural backgrounds, people have different understandings of the symbolic meanings of animals. Therefore, Chinese and Westerners have completely different interpretations of loong and dragon. Chinese people regard loong as a kind of mascot, and also call themselves descendant of loong. However, in Westerners’ eyes, dragon is an ugly demon and it often brings a lot of disasters to the human beings. If we don’t clarify these cultural differences, it will bring misunderstandings and barriers to cultural exchanges between Chinese and Western countries. This paper makes a comparative analysis of different conceptions between Chinese loong and Western dragon, then it analyzes the causes of cultural differences on Chinese loong and Western dragon and finally proposes some solutions to barriers in cross-cultural communication, in the hope of promoting the studies on Chinese loong and Western dragon.
    Key words: loong and dragon; Chinese and Western culture; differences
      On Differences of Chinese and Western Culture from the Interpretation of Loong and Dragon
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Comparison on Differences between Chinese Loong and Western Dragon    2
    2.1 Conceptual Differences Between Chinese Loong and Western Dragon    2
    2.1.1 The Conception of Loong in China    2
    2.1.2 The Conception of Dragon in Western Countries    4
    2.2 Cultural Differences between Chinese Loong and Western Dragon    5
    2.2.1 Chinese Loong Culture    5
    2.2.2 Western Dragon Culture    7
    III. The Causes of Differences on Chinese Loong and Western Dragon    8
    3.1 Environmental Causes    8
    3.2 Cultural Causes    9
    IV. Solutions to Barriers in Sino-Western Cultural Communication    11
    4.1 Barriers Existing in Sino-Western Cultural Communication    11
    4.2 Solutions to Cultural Barriers    12
    V. Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    15
    Acknowledgments    16 I. Introduction
    With the development of globalization, cultural exchanges between eastern and western countries become more and more frequent. As we all know, loong(龙) is the totem of China, Chinese people are proud of loong. But in Western countries, people regard dragon as a evil demon. The English word dragon is usually translated into Chinese as “龙” and the English translation of “龙” is usually dragon or Chinese dragon. However, such translations still need discussion so as to avoid misunderstandings in Sino-Western cultural communication.
    Western and Chinese scholars have done some researches to explore the different conceptions of loong and dragon. Ezra F. Vogel, professor of Harvard University, wrote a book entitled The Four Little Dragons—The Spread of Industrialization in East Asia. Professor Wu Weixiong, council member of the Translators’ Association of China, wrote an article entitled Why “Dragon” is Translated into “Tiger”, He proposed that while assimilating foreign culture property, we should also let the outside world know our brilliant Chinese culture. However, these studies are not systematic and deep-going enough, for the cultural roots underlying such differences should be further explored to instruct the intercultural communication.
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