2 A Model for the Development of Creative Urban Culture:London 

Looking around the world, the search for innovative vitality of the country, cities and regions, many people in the minds of the first to jump out of the classic reference model is the United Kingdom. The London government has a global, long-term top-level design of cultural strategies, and actively organizes basic research on cultural policy and plays the role of a professional advisory body or think tank. London is good at playing its geographical advantages and multicultural resources. London is the irreplaceable political, economic and cultural center of the UK, and the largest economic center in Europe and the world's largest financial center. London has a long history, rich cultural resources, the city is full of rich cultural atmosphere to create a full space for creative activities. London is good at building urban culture brand develop its economic benefits, with a global perspective. Cultural reputation is the city’s intangible assets, the London government attaches great importance to the overall packaging of the city, through the holding of various cultural activities to expand the city’s international influence, successfully shaped the London world cultural capital image. Effectively promoted the development of key creative industries in London, expanded the scope of London brand creative products and international influence, to achieve the sustainability of the economic effects. London has implemented a persified cultural financing model for investment subjects. The London government has set up incentives to encourage social capital to enter the field of cultural creativity. London focuses on building urban public spaces, encouraging citizens to participate actively in cultural activities, stimulating cultural consumption and fostering cultural markets. The London government facilitates the convening of various cultural events, encourages the public to participate in various cultural activities and share the cultural atmosphere of the city.文献综述

2.1 Government Policy: Greater London Authority

As the first city to focus on practical action on develop creative industries, the London municipal government has maintained a high degree of support for the creative industry. In 1997, the British government set up a creative industry special working group, by the Prime Minister personally served as chairman of the working group. Into the twenty-first century, the Greater London area is becoming more mature, the plan emphasizes the coordination of the development of the London area. In the industrial planning, creative industries become one of the key developments of the industry. For nearly a decade, in the Greater London area, creative cultural industry has maintained steady growth. In 2010, the contribution of creative industries to the UK was second only to the financial sector.

In September 2010, the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee issued a document on the establishment of Shanghai cultural and creative industries to promote the leading group and the Office of the notice, the establishment of the Shanghai cultural and creative industries to promote the leading group and office.

Shanghai cultural and creative industries to promote the leading group under the office, the main function is to study the development of the city’s cultural and creative industries development planning, policy, and promote the city’s cultural and creative industries.

2.2 Unique Advantages: Creative Business Enterprise zone

London supports the construction of industrial agglomeration area, to create cultural brands, winning international competitiveness with the advantages of scale. Agglomeration area refers to the collection of several enterprises and institutions which are interrelated and geographically concentrated in the industry, and have a strong competitive advantage and agglomeration development scale benefit, which can overcome the certainty and high risk of creative industry in a certain extent.

















