Also, there are five parts in this thesis。 Part one is a brief introduction to this thesis。Part two offers us some relevant literature reviews at home and aboard。 Meanwhile, it provides us with some theoretical frameworks as well。 According to the analysis above, the part three is about the application of this new method。 Part four has something to do with the author who has done something to check the teaching effects of this new method and some data analysis according to some questionnaires and test papers are included。 Part five summarizes the main findings, suggestions of the study。

2。 Literature Review

2。1The definition and the features of the story theme teaching method

The story theme teaching method uses the stories as the main teaching material, which can draw students’ attention, capture their imagination and improve their learning interest。 The method means that the students can gradually understand the grammatical structure rules by contact with complete meaningful materials。 We can say that the grammar structure can be understood well when they are listening。 Then, the teacher and students work together to construct the specific language form and meaning。 At last, the students participate in the different forms of communicative and cooperative activities to make up the stories。 The teachers will check the teaching effect through different activities。(Shrum and Glisan 26) To sum up, this approach teaches grammar in the context, and then through the listening, reading, speaking, role-playing and making up the story, the students can learn and use the grammar in a meaningful way。 In addition, the story theme teaching method is known as students-centered and the students construct the grammar rules on their own。

     Furthermore, the following are the characters of the story theme teaching approach。

     Firstly, the story theme teaching method uses a whole story as the main teaching material during the process of teaching in class。(Tan 10)

Secondly, according to the views of Tan Guodong in his thesis, this approach pays much attention to the integrity of the language environment, which aims at making the students feel the practical and instrumental characters of language。(Tan 10)

Thirdly, the teachers and students play different roles in the story theme teaching method, but the teaching lines is flexible。 Thus, the teaching depends on the teachers’ control ability。

Fourthly, the plot of the story should be easily repeated。 Also, the students should repeat it in a meaningful way。 That is, the content of students’ repetition should make sure the logic of the story and the students’ language ability should be trained when they repeat the story。 What’s more, the teacher should make sure that the activities is meaningful。

Finally, the story theme teaching method put forward the tasks which are intended to solve the real problems in grammar teaching。 

2。2 The theoretical framework

We have discussed a lot about the story theme teaching method above。 In this passage, we talk about the theoretical framework of the story theme teaching method in detail。 The basis of this new method—story theme teaching method is situational approach which is often used in English teaching and teaches English by creating pictures, things and situation。 Students can experience the language multiply through various senses and understand the teaching content easily。 One of the biggest features is that the situational approach has its own intuitiveness and effectiveness, which aims to increase students’ learning interest。 In addition to some visual aids and vivid pictures, it combines with the students’ real life experience。 What’s more, the story theme teaching method is based on the communicative method and task—based approach。 The communicative method concentrate on listening and speaking,  students’ own experience and so on。 Students’ awareness of objective things will be built greatly through communicating with others。 ( Tan 14) The purposes of this method is to offer them more practice opportunities at the same time。 Finally, the students’ practical ability can be developed。 As for the task—based approach, it is highly advocated by educators and it focuses on training students’ innovative ability。 At the same time, it also has something to do with the communicative method and it changes the basic language application into practical teaching process, which is the best way to master the language as well。 Meanwhile, the students can get much more development than before。 Therefore, this method is useful for teaching。

















