2。 Literature Review

Semantic perception is not something in nothing, not a apocryphal concept, but a sixth perception, which is independent of sense of sight, hearing, taste and somatic sensation, is unique to human brain and specialized in perceiving and identifying all kinds of semantic relation in spoken language。 (He 50-53 ) What is called “theory of semantic perception” is the theory of language development researched by scientists。 It is based on the rule of language development to train students’ language, promote students’ perception and interests in English and improve their grades。 (Liu 9)Theory of semantic perception tells us that the environment of speaking has the same importance as the environment of listening to language learners。(Li 1) Communicative approach can make students acquire knowledge, skills and ability。 At the same time, they can experience the fun of English, which may build their confidence and lay a foundation。 (Hu 23) Network technology is widely used in the education field and it breaks a new path for the reform of primary school’s English classroom。 It also innovates the teaching mode and process of traditional English and puts forward new teaching requirements and propositions。 (Zhou 19)论文网

3。 Current Situation of English Teaching in Primary Education

3。1 Excessive emphasis on language knowledge

In the ways of teaching, current English teaching of primary school focuses on the English textbooks。 Fundamental teaching procedures in the class generally follow this pattern: review old knowledge---teach new knowledge---repeated practice and reinforcement (some of which may have to be expanded)。 This approach is usually termed as “the accomplishment of curriculum demands”。 However, in essence, it does not meet the demand of “the goal of cultivating students’ comprehensive language application ability”, which is prescribed by the curriculum standard。 What students have learned is the language knowledge ruled by textbooks other than the ability to use English in real life。 This teaching mode is actually based on the teaching of language knowledge: Teachers arrange every knowledge point into daily teaching according to the linear order of the teaching material; the so-called “experiencing” is the repeated practice of knowledge point on the same level (word, sentence, etc。) through all kinds of games; one classroom hour for teaching words, one for sentence pattern or conversation, one for songs or stories and one for consolidation is the typical practice of English teaching in primary schools。 Although current teaching mode which focuses on the language knowledge does not emphasis the analysis of grammar any more, it pays little attention to verbal communication。 What is different is that these “knowledge” is more situational than before。

3。2 Abuse of multimedia method

As multimedia computers enter into classrooms, more and more teachers begin to try using computers in English classrooms。 Currently, computers are mostly used to create situation and practice games。 Some teachers also use multimedia network to provide the environment of autonomic listening and reading for students。 While the contents of classroom teaching are enriched by pictures, videos, and cartoons, the phenomenon of abusing multimedia method also gradually becomes the noticed topic of people。 Some classroom teaching activities always make the rounds of computers and courseware。 Even, the percentage of human-computer interaction is far bigger than that of interpersonal interaction----students use computers to play and listen on and on。 They play and listen in the air for the fun of it, and the teachers do light work。 Yet, what can students learn from the class? What’s worse, some teachers purely regard computers as a means of creating situation(for example, have a overall perception by watching a video first ,then lead in the new lesson and carry on teaching the new unit through drawing out partial words or sentence patterns), or they just consider computers as the tools of practice games。 What they have done is actually a waste of valuable classroom teaching time。

















