Abstract English grammar is a very important part in English teaching。 Teachers spend a large amount of time on grammar teaching, which turns out to be of low efficiency。 Some of the students still have little knowledge of English grammar and that their concept of grammar is not clear。 Therefore, it is urgent to explore new grammar teaching methods which are suitable for Chinese。 Language transfer, including positive transfer and negative transfer, is unavoidable in second language acquisition。 For a long time, there are many researches aiming at avoiding negative transfer of native language while positive transfer of native language is relatively neglected。 This paper first introduces English grammar teaching in China and the language transfer theory。 Then, it goes on with the comparison of the similarities in English and Chinese grammar, trying to combine the language transfer theory with the teaching of English grammar in middle school, and uses transfer theory to strengthen the application of positive transfer of Chinese so as to help students improve their abilities of applying the five simple sentence patterns, and consolidate their basic English grammar。 The author hopes that it would be a new way of thinking for English grammar teaching in the middle school。 75663

Keywords: English grammar teaching; the positive transfer of native language; similarities of English and Chinese grammar





1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Language Transfer Theory 3

3。1 Definition of language transfer theory 3

3。2 Classification of language transfer 4

3。3 Overseas and domestic research status of language transfer and its analysis 5

4。 Similarities in English and Chinese Grammar 6

4。1 Morphology similarities 6

4。2 Syntax similarities 8

4。3 English and Chinese punctuation 11

4。4 The possibilities of the implication of positive transfer of Chinese in 

   middle school English grammar teaching 11

5。 Manifestation of Positive Transfer of Chinese in English Grammar 

  Teaching and Teaching Strategies 12

6。 Conclusion 15

Works Cited 17

1。 Introduction

In English grammar teaching, teachers often spend much time and energy teaching grammar, but it is not effective。 The manifestation in reality is that most students are weak in English grammar。 Some of the students even can not use the five basic sentence patterns correctly。 At present, English grammar teaching methods in China are mainly pided into two types: one is traditional grammar-translation method, and the other is the new type of teaching method, including communicative teaching method, task-based teaching method, the audiolingual method and the like (Ma Hongmei 2013:13)。 The disadvantage of grammar-translation method is that it overstresses mechanical memorizing and is not helpful for students to understand and apply the language。 In some ways, the new type of teaching method is beneficial for students to learn English grammar, but the effect is not obvious for some students who are not good at English (Larsen-Freeman, 2003:22)。 Meanwhile, the reality that too many students in each class and the heavy teaching task for teachers makes communicative teaching method and other methods face many difficulties。 It is necessary to continuously explore English grammar teaching method in middle school which not only is suitable for the situation of China, but also can help students with poor scores improve their English grammar。

















