Abstract Currently, in China, there is a common phenomenon that English learners have difficulty in listening comprehension。 However, the improvement of listening comprehension ability still considerably depends on mechanical drills in listening teaching class。 Actually, listening is a process of sound message input。 Consequently, an accurate decoding of the input is extremely crucial。 Thus, phonemes, as the smallest meaningful units of sound in a language may have certain effects on listening comprehension of an English learner。 Therefore, to alleviate the current pattern of listening teaching and improve learners’ listening ability, from the perspective of phonetics, this paper is intended to make an analysis of the impacts of phonetic knowledge on listening comprehension and put forward a new effective method of listening teaching based on their correlation。  75854

Keywords: English learner; listening comprehension; phonetic knowledge;     listening teaching method

摘要 目前在我国,英语学习者在听力理解方面存在困难。然而听力理解水平的提升仍然主要依赖于英语听力课堂上的机械操练。事实上,听是一个声音信号输入的过程,因而对输入的声音进行精确地解码理解是至关重要的一步。那么语言的最小单位—语音音素就对听力理解的过程产生了影响。所以为了改善目前的听力教学的模式与提升学生听力能力,本论文从语音层面出发,旨在分析语音知识对听力理解的影响并根据二者关系提出有效的听力教学方式。



1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

2。1The correlation between phonetics and listening comprehension。。2

2。2 The study of listening teaching 3

3。 An Analysis of How Phonetic Knowledge Affects Listening Comprehension 3

3。1 Phonemes on listening 4

3。2 Liaison, assimilation and plosives in speech flow 4

3。3 Stress and intonation on listening comprehension 6

4。 Pedagogical Implications on Listening Teaching 8

4。1 The combination of phonetic teaching and listening teaching。 8

4。2 The requirements and principles teachers need to follow 11

5。 Conclusion11

Works Cited 13

1。 Introduction 

     There is no doubt that English is the most widely used language in the world。 More important, it has been the necessary tool for communication in many fields: economy and trade, business and science, politics and education and so on。 In the past decades, for keeping pace with the development of globalization and for the comprehensive development of inpiduals, China has put English at an important place in education。 English teaching has also gone through several reforms。 As we all know, listening, speaking, reading and writing are the main aspects of English learning。 As to the four skills, in the 1970s, the linguist Rivers pointed out that in human’s daily communication, listening accounts for 45%, speaking 30%, reading 16%, writing 9%。 Obviously, the listening ability is more of significance than other three skills。 However, in China, English learners, especially middle and high school students have considerable problems in listening。 It is common that they can do well in English writing and reading but fail to get foreigners across or successfully communicate with them。 Besides, mechanical drills dominate our listening lessons in which students are required to repeatedly listen to numerous listening materials, which unfortunately don’t work too much。 Sure enough, listening comprehension, from language information reception to meaning construction, is a complicated process。 As an old saying goes, a miss is as good as a mile。 That is to say, the comprehension can be misled by even tiny errors in any link of listening process。 A good beginning is half done。 The perception of phones, as the starting point of listening, reveals that the proficiency of phonetic knowledge can ease listening comprehension process。 According to the English Curriculum, students should be given accurate English phonetics teaching to improve their overall pronunciation and intonation。 However, as a result of the exam-oriented education, English teaching focuses on students' writing, grammar, vocabulary application ability, to ensure students ideal performance in the examination, while effective phonetic teaching activities are seldom carried out in middle schools or primary school, which becomes a barrier for listening comprehension。 Therefore this paper focuses on the analysis of the effects of phonetics on listening comprehension to conclude the correlation between them and get inspirations from the correlation to come up with other listening teaching methods from the perspective of phonetics。 This thesis has five chapters。 Chapter one is introduction part。 Chapter two is a list of the ideas and works referred to。 Chapter three emphasizes how phonetic knowledge affects listening comprehension。 Chapter four is a focus on pedagogical implications on listening teaching。 Chapter five is the conclusion part。 来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















