Abstract   Garden path sentences refers to the sentences that can easily cause            ambiguity and make people feel confused。 It is a complicated and interesting phenomenon in the process of language comprehension。 GP sentences have always been paid more attention to by linguists。 Research of the garden path sentences contributes to avoiding mistakes when readers meet them during the process of language comprehension。 For decades, linguists have proposed different opinions and studies to explain the comprehension of GP sentences。76736

This treatise introduces and analyzes this kind of sentence with the hope of doing people a favor to deal with mistakes。 It focuses on the factors which can bring about garden-path phenomenon and strategies of GP sentence comprehension。 Also, it contains a lot of classical theories and strategies done by researchers before。 By the means of the paper, I hope the readers can have a better understanding of such type of sentence that creates a momentary ambiguous interpretation。 The solution will be referred to in the discourse。

Key words: garden path sentences; language comprehension; ambiguity; factors and strategies

摘要 花园小径句指那些容易引起歧义、让人感到困惑的句子。在语言理解过程中,这是一种复杂而又有趣的现象。它一直是语言学家们所关注的对象。花园小径句的研究有助于读者避免在语言理解的过程中发生错误。数十年来,语言学家已经对它的理解提出了不同的观点。




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Classification and Traits of GP Sentences 2

4。 Syntactic and Semantic Factors in Garden-Path Phenomenon 4

4。1 GP sentences caused by syntactic factors 4

4。2 GP sentences caused by semantic factors 5

5。 Strategies of GP Sentence Comprehension 7

5。1 Recovery strategies 7

5。2 Parsing strategies 9

5。3 Late Closure Strategy and Minimal Attachment Strategy 10

6。 Conclusion 12

Works Cited 14

1。 Introduction 

Ambiguity exists in any language, English is no exception。 Garden path phenomenon is one kind of ambiguity。 There are different schools of research digging into every comer of this topic。 In the past, researchers have become increasingly interested in the study of GP sentences。 For instance, Ferreira F has done research on GP sentences in his book concerning linguistics。 However, it would seem that further investigations are needed to be done。 More details about GP sentences will be involved in my paper。 Section 2 describes the definition of GP sentences in order to make the readers have a general understanding of such kind of phenomenon。 Further comprehension of GP sentences is then presented in Section 3。 Discussing the factors which produce an effect on analyzing the GP sentences from different aspects is involved in Section 4, while Section 5 explains elaborate strategies and methods of repartee when confronted with distinct views。 Finally, in Section 6, the significance and outlook of the study of GP sentences is given。 It is the purpose of the present paper to provide readers with appropriate suggestions of handling such ambiguity in English。    论文网

















