Abstract This thesis, based on several definitions on the Project-based of business English teaching mode, and the management theory of project-oriented curriculum development, analyzes and compares the traditional personnel training mode and the project-based teaching as well as the current situation of College Business English talents training from various perspectives to find out the disadvantages of traditional mode and the advantages of project-based teaching mode。 To explore the relationship between business English talents training and project teaching mode, teaching methods are proposed to improve the language ability of international business talents。 By analyzing the organization and implementation of teaching process to form a scientific and persified teaching evaluation system, providing a theoretical and practical basis for the training of new talents。  76737

Keywords: project-based teaching mode; Business English talents; teaching modes




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 1

3。 Theoretical Basis for Project-based Business English Talents 1

3。1 Definition of Concerning Concepts 2

3。2 Theoretical Basis 2

4。 Current situation of Business English Teaching in Universities 4

4。1 From the aspect of teachers 4

4。2 From the aspect of students 4

4。3 From the aspect of curriculum arrangement 5

4。4 From the aspect of practical teaching 5

4。5 From the aspect of evaluation system 5

5。 Assumptions of Cultivating Project-based Business English Talents 6

5。1 The orientation of Business English talents in universities 6

5。2 The construction of curriculum system on vocational ability 6

5。3 The development of project-oriented English teaching 8

5。4 The reinforcement of double-competency faculties 9

5。5 The improvement of the practical teaching environment 10

6.Conclusion 10

Work Cited。。。。。11

1。 Introduction 

     With the rapid development of the world economy, the requirements of business English are higher and higher。 The demand of many enterprises, especially foreign enterprises on interdisciplinary talents with professional knowledge and English communication skills continues to rise。 In order to meet the need of this situation, many colleges and universities have set up business English major。 However, due to various reasons, business English teaching at present still exist many problems to varying degrees, including curriculum, selection of teaching materials, teachers, teaching environment, evaluation methods ,all these need further exploration and innovation。 Business English teaching still follow the traditional teaching mode, which main content is explaining the knowledge to the students。 This mode of teaching to a great extent suppresses the subject consciousness and subjectivity of students, thus adversely affecting the students' comprehensive language ability, cooperative learning and social practice ability (Lu 23)。Therefore, it is imperative to reform the current teaching mode of business English。 The project-based teaching method is a method which transforms the knowledge content in the traditional discipline system into several teaching projects, and makes the students participate in the whole process of the project。 With the continuous development of education and the deepening of teaching reform, countries in the world have introduced the project-based teaching method for teaching reform。 Project-based teaching method in recent years has become a highlight of research in academic and education, whose related research papers and achievements are numerous。 However, the researches are mainly focused on engineering courses。 This paper discusses the project-based teaching mode of business English talents。 That is to say, education reform promotes personnel training, providing new talents with innovative ability and practical ability for international trade。 As we all know, wonderful talents in business field play an important role in business cooperation and competition。 For this purpose, a project-based teaching Mode in the essay is discussed to meet the cultivation of international business English talents。 This paper can lay a theoretical and practical basis for future business personnel training。论文网

















