1。2 The significance and purpose

Implementation of bilingual education in the kindergarten as a new form of education mode, has broken the traditional oriented English education。 Bilingual education is a kind of breakthrough and challenge because it begins to learn the second language in the early stage, which provides a new direction and perspective for the English education。 Foreign scholars have had a lot of research and advanced teaching system for bilingual education。 At the same time, domestic education experts have had some research on bilingual education, but bilingual education has not formed a complete theory and system。 People are half acquainted with bilingual education and they will not actively participate in bilingual education。 This paper is to help the community know the understanding of the concept of bilingual education in the kindergarten according to phenomenon of the appearance of bilingual education in the kindergarten。 This paper will summarize the views of scholars, put forward their own opinions and suggestions。 This paper can not only help teachers teaching principles, strategies and methods so that teachers teaching better, but also can help the implementation of bilingual education in the kindergarten to avoid or resolve related issues。

The purpose of this paper is to help the people in the society more clearly understand the concept of early bilingual education according to the phenomenon of the development of the bilingual kindergarten。 Second, this paper is aim to discuss the research status at home and abroad at present stage and introduce the theory basis of kindergarten bilingual education and the main modes of international bilingual education。 Afterwards, this article is to generalize the teaching principles, teaching methods and teaching strategies in the process of implementing bilingual education in the kindergarten。 Finally, the paper will find the problems which exist in the implementation process and put forward the corresponding solutions to make the implementation of bilingual education in the kindergarten can be more effective。来,自,优.尔:论;文*网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

Chapter Two Literature review

This chapter states some concepts about bilingual education, some research results and current situation at home and abroad。 The concepts are the basis of the study。 The chapter makes a conclusion for some good theories which can make a preliminary understanding for people to explore bilingual education 

















