
    2.3.1 Know yourself as well as the enemy principle
    As the old saying goes, "know yourself as well as the enemy, know yourself." The preparation before the negotiation is nothing more than two aspects “zhi ji" and "zhi bi".
    The so-called “zhi ji” refers to through a variety of methods to understand the negotiation opponent’s etiquette habits, style of negotiation and negotiation experience. Don't violate other taboo, so as to avoid making the negotiations appeared uncomfortable situation due to some of the cultural etiquette issues. The Germans is our example. Before carrying out the business activities, the Germans always try to understand the situation of the other party, and they don't worry at the beginning of the negotiation. Instead, they understand each other's credit situation, product quality, credibility problem, the performance situation by consulting the customers. Only after careful and detailed investigation would the Germans contract negotiation with you.
    The so-called "zhi ji" is simply referring to make the other side’s advantages and disadvantages clear in our mind. Moreover, we should try our best to gather all the useful data and information that might needed in the following negotiations .
    2.3.2 The principle of mutual benefit and reciprocity
    The so-called principle of mutual benefit is that without prejudice to their fundamental interests, it should be possible for negotiation opponent sake and be active to retain some interest for each other as well as business people in preparation for the talks or in the negotiation process. All the experienced business people definitely know the ideal outcome of negotiation should not be "life and death", but should be reaching a compromise that the interests and demands of all parties concerned have been taken care of.
    2.3.3 The principle of consultation on equal footing
    In negotiations, try to persuade through reasoning, not be superior to others. Negotiation is the wisdom of the contest. At the negotiating table, only the hard facts, accurate data, rigorous logic and art will turn the negotiations to their desired victory. The negotiations were carried out on the basis of equality and mutual respect on top.
    2.3.4 The principle of separate people and things
    During the summit, when dealing with the mutual relationship between the two sides, we must separate people and things. Remember that friendship is indeed friendship and negotiation is only negotiation, and avoid confusing the boundaries between the two. The correct understanding is that everyone is determined to win in the negotiations.
    2.3.5 The principle of seek common ground while reserving differences
    The main purpose of business negotiation is to make all aspects of the negotiations have the harvest so that everyone is a winner. We must adhere to the principle of seeking common ground while reserving differences. That is to pay attention to details in various manners to forgive each other, once the unpleasant things happened, we should take the heart of tolerance for better.
    2.3.6 The principle of respect the opponent
    The principle of respect the opponent is the request to negotiate in the process of the fair, to eliminate all interference, consistent on be polite to their negotiation opponent, and at everywhere and all the situations, we do not lose the sincere compliments. In the process of discussion, no matter what happens, we should always adhere to respect the opponent, which can certainly give a good impression, but also play a subtle effect in further business contacts.
    2.3.7 The principle of preliminary examination
    The so-called " The principle of preliminary examination" includes two meaning: firstly, business people who prepare for the negotiation, should repeatedly exam on the negotiation plan; secondly, it refers to business people who prepare for the negotiation, should be in advance to submit negotiation scheme to higher level managers or executives .
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