2。 Literature Review

2。1 Review on Nida’ functional equivalence theory

    Eugene Nida, a famous American translation theorist and linguists, according to the nature of translation, puts forward the famous ‘dynamic equivalence’ translation theory, namely ‘functional equivalence’, which indicates that translation is not only concerned with vocabulary aspect, but also involved in the sense of pragmatic and stylistic equivalence。 Dynamic equivalence is based on Nidas ‘Principle of equivalent effect’ such as “the relationship between the recipient and message with the original should remain reasonably consistent” (Nida, 1964 a:159)。 In 1969, in the book the translation theory and practice Nida define again: “dynamic equivalence is that target-text reader’s response to the translation and source-text readers’ response to the original is almost the same”。 Namely he defines the target of dynamic equivalence as pursuing of “Keeping the most natural equivalence between the primitive information” (Nida,1964a:166; Nida&Taber,1969:12) In fact, in Chinese, it is difficult to find completely equivalent to English words or sentences to express the same meaning As a result, translators need to convert the deep structure of the source language into the surface structure in the target language, directly explaining the connotation of the original so that the readers are more likely to accept the versions。 In this way, the translation of network buzzwords will reach a certain effect。文献综述

    When it comes to the essence of translation, Nida once said: “Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source Language, first in terms of a fancy and secondly in terms of Style。” (Nida & Taber, 1969) In this concept, what Nida emphasize is the ‘most close to’ rather than the peer。 Here the so-called ‘closest’ is to make the translation as far as possible close to the reader’s culture expression so that the reader is unable to perceive that this is a translated version。 When you’ve finished, you get consistent response with the original readers to understand the information。 Dynamic equivalence is prior to formal equivalence which is the central idea of Nida’s theory 。With Chinese economic and social development, more and more foreigners come to China engaged in the commercial trade activities or tourism and live in China etc。, which makes the increasing exchanges between Chinese and other languages。 Foreigners are more and more interested in the Chinese words。 So whether we can translate these words accurately in place,to a certain degree, also affects our daily communication。 The author thinks that it is very appropriate to reveal the English of Chinese catchwords with Nida’s functional equivalence theory。 After all, there is a huge difference between the two cultures。

2。2 Introduction of Chinese network buzzwords

    In today’s society, human life has entered a network age。 Along with the social change and the time progress, people’s life style and thinking state present a persified development trend。 In this context, the network buzzwords arise at the historic moment。 On one hand, it is inevitable for it meets the need of social development and progress。 On the other hand, the network buzzword is like a small mirror,mapping out the all aspects of society。 Nowadays, the network popular language is not just used by the young but the people from all walks of life, which has become familiar in language communication in daily life。 

Network buzzwords are popular language from the Internet。 Literally it has three characteristics: young-oriented, quality-oriented and quickly spreading。 First of all, young people like to pursue fashion and the network buzzword is a symbol of fashion expression which is the latest evaluation and reflection of social phenomenon。 Secondly, the users of these network catchwords generally have higher cultural quality, they are familiar with English and computer language, providing the necessity and possibility for its production and propagation。 Thirdly, compared with the traditional route of transmission, the network platform spreads quite fast。 The popular speed of many network languages is comparable to ‘As if the vernal breeze had come back overnight, adorning thousands of pear trees with white blossoms’。来;自]优Y尔E论L文W网www.youerw.com +QQ752018766-

















