
The key factor of language learning is the language environment。 Since English is a foreign language in our country, classroom is the main environment for Chinese English learners to contact and use the English language。 Classroom discourse is used throughout teaching activities form the beginning to the end, which combines the teaching method, teaching means and contents of the courses together and plays an important role in the organization of classroom teaching and the learners’ language acquisition。 In language class, classroom discourse plays a dual role: it is not only an important tool of teachers’ teaching but also an important source of students’ language acquisition。 Using classroom discourse properly in the organization of class can stimulate students’ interest in learning and enhance the confidence of students to learn the target language。 English curriculum standards clearly pointed out: “The general goal of English curriculum in basic education is to cultivate students’ comprehensive language ability” (Chen 35)。 English classroom is an important place for English teacher to cultivate students’ comprehensive language through communicative activities。 In classroom teaching, teachers organize students to participate in various types of language teaching activities, which is an effective means to improve students’ comprehensive ability。 At the same time, teachers can cultivate learners’ ability and good language habits to use language through the input of target language to them。 Teachers’ language is an important information input in English class。 It is vital for teachers to use classroom discourse correctly and effectively。 Therefore, we believe that understanding and study of classroom discourse is of great significance。

With the deepening reform of education and teaching, many advanced western theories of classroom discourse research have been used in our country gradually, and they enriched and improved the theory of English teaching greatly。 In recent years the research focuses on the number and types of classroom discourse, the role of classroom discourse in language learning, teacher questions, feedback and error correction, etc。 For example, Hu Qingqiu analyzed and said, “the relationship between teachers’ questioning techniques, content and forms and degree of student participation in class activities are very important”(16)。 But on the whole, our studies seem to stay in the category of teachers’ language art。 It can also be said that they just remain in a general description of teachers’ language or collection of material, which have not combined with relative theory to research the special professional language systematically What’ s more, inspired by study abroad, there has been some positive investigation research at home。 Zhao Xiaohong’ s study showed that, “Teachers’ classroom discourse often takes up 70% or even 90% of the classroom time in the teacher-centered English classroom teaching in China, and students have few opportunities to participate in classroom activities and air their opinions”(27)。 As a result, there is little communication between teachers and students, which is not conducive to cultivating communicative competence of students。 Zhou Xing and Zhou Yun investigated and analyzed that, “Classroom discourse in English class is student-centered thematic teaching model” (59-60)。 The results showed that the new teaching mode can provide students with more communication opportunities, which is conducive to learning the language acquisition。

II。A Description of Classroom Discourse 

Classroom discourse is a tool for teachers and students to interact。 Flanders believes that, “Language behavior is the main behavior in classroom teaching, accounting for about 80% of all teaching behavior” (N。A 247)。 Therefore, the analysis of discourse behavior between teacher and students can grasp the rule and the essence of teaching。 

















