    Shanghai Mengqing park environmental theme promotion design
    Abstract:The city is highly artificial environment, city of human interference brought by the change or destroy the original city habitat structure, natural ecosystem was complete by artificial facilities occupied and pided into the lack of contact patch, the original natural habitat fragmentation, even disappear. The city development in the process of pollution and human disturbance broke the original relationship between the biological and the city natural environment, serious impact on the use of biological habitat, caused the city living environment tend to a single species and habitat fragmentation, affect the birds and other city biological survival. City center of the green area in the city are biopersity hotspots, provides shelter and habitat for wild animal city and native plant hundreds of. However, the construction process of renewal and city green space in the city, the landscape aesthetics and being used as the evaluation criteria, the original ecological system within the city does not have the very good protection and continuity, the cultivation of native environment is not enough, did not consider the persity of various animal attached to these native environment, leading to the boundary city animal habitats, high degree of heterogeneity, resulting in many animal foraging habitat loss.
    KeyWords:city park ; Animal habitats; Habitat restoration construction;landscape design
    目  录
    1  引言   4
    2  背景分析  4
    2.1  理论阐述  4
    2.2  研究目的和意义4
    3  基地现状分析  5
    3.1  区位环境  5
    3.2  项目概况  5
    3.3  现状分析  5
    4  设计理念与目的5
    4.1  理念原则  6
    4.2  动物在城市绿地中栖息的意义6
    4.3  动物栖息地是公园环境的重要体现6
    4.4  注重城市公园环保主题提升设计的意义6   
    5  设计手法与表现   7
    5.1  设计内容  7
    5.2  细部大样设计  8
    5.3  图纸表现手法  9
    6  结束语 11
       致谢   12
    参考文献  12
    1    引言
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